
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Birds and the Bees.... and the Sheep

So to date we still only have the two little black lambs born to Hazel on April 2nd. None of the other ewes have given birth this yet. Very odd as we usually do not have a break like this. Last year in fact we were done with lambing season in a week and a half with Hazel the last to give birth and of course she was two days behind the second to last.  It seems Hazel must be the outlier one way or another.

Tomorrow the two newest (temporary) members of the flock will be given a bit more room to run around. I am still not sure how I am going to do this since we have so many carry over yearlings this year. I only have one shelter and I need to give everyone access to it but I really don't want to let the new lambs out into pasture yet.

I need to give the arrangement some thought I guess.

Plenty of the remaining bred ewes are looking like they could deliver at any moment but so far they are all being stubborn. If I had to guess they are waiting for the most in-opportune time to begin....

Just my guess anyway.

Still not one hint of any hens going broody either. I am in fact beginning to wonder if Rocky the rooster is actually getting the job done or just acting like he is whenever a human is around due to some kind of possessive attitude. No one has noticed any eggs that are in fact fertilized and it really only looks like Rocky is jumping on the hens and pulling their neck feathers and not making any real contact at the business end. If you get my meaning.

Perhaps we actually have an impotent Rooster with severe performance anxiety and a defined bully streak? This may need watching more closely and if Rocky gets anymore aggressive it maybe time for freezer camp.

I just wish these ewes would get it over with already these every couple of hour checkups are getting old.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. Hens will set whether their eggs are fertilized or not. They don't know the difference. Do you know how to tell a fertilized egg? I am sure Rocky is doing his thing OK.

    1. So they say. I know others who also say having a rooster around will generally help the tendency for a hen to go broody as well. I am sure there are always extremes and hens who go broody anyway, rooster around or not, but I have noticed the people who scream the loudest about not needing a rooster are usually women and have a big chip on their shoulder when it comes to men.

      As far as telling a fertilized egg well you can try seeing how transparent the shell is but I always found that to be iffy at best. As a guy however I will make sure to scrape off the white dot on the yoke before I eat any home raised eggs.

      Maybe Rocky is getting the job done but so far no white dot to scrape I have seen and he doesn't seem to be getting the parts connected from the views I have witnessed.

    2. Maybe he does not like being watched. You scrape off the white dot? Really? Seems like you are the one with the chip on your shoulder

    3. Yep scraping off the white dot is a pretty common practice around here, especially for the old geezers. I would have thought you would be familiar with it. As for chips I just like to knock em off.

  2. Our hens sit on eggs whether they are fertilized or not. When we were without a cockerel a while ago nearly all of them went broody at the same time, which seemed a waste of effort on their part and caused a minor irritation for us because they hid themselves where we couldn't find them and the stash of eggs they were sitting on, so we had to buy eggs from the supermarket. They have a cockerel now. They are happier now they have one around. For some reason they seem not to get so broody!

    1. Vera - See now those hens NEEDED a rooster to give them direction and guidance don't ya know. Without him it just degenerates into pure chaos :)

  3. I hope all your lambs come soon and all without trouble, give the hens a chance its still early in the season.
    But if rocky is sterile then it wont help, on eggs a few days old when you crack them open look for a little white dot on the yolk, you cant tell from egg shells.

    1. Dawn - I been keeping a constant eye out for the dot. Like I said I am just not sure Rocky isn't just acting out in some way and not getting the job done. I certainly ain't gonna do anything though I kinda like having the hens running around all over the place!!!

  4. Did I miss it? I didn't see one single mention of bees in this article.

    I will add this to the rooster discussion. I do think the girls need a rooster around. After we lost our rooster the girls seem to just be a little off, more restless and agitated. I would say if he is not doing his only job at least keep him around until you have a suitable replacement.

    1. Perry - The birds and bees reference was more to the topic of reproduction than to my bees :)

      I plan on keeping him around and if he doesn't seem to be doing his job this Summer then replace him. I like the looks of Rocky but he needs to understand roosters are a dime a dozen around here.

  5. I think my rooster is impotent too. I have put three broody girls in with him and nothing. He does what rocky does, jumps on their backs, pulls feathers..and that's it. He does this initially when I put one with him, then nothing.
    I am about to just go to the feed store and buy some new chicks. Chickens and their issues frustrate me

    as always, the little lambs are cute...

    1. JuGM - It's like Rocky only does it when a human is around to show they are his hens and not to actually get the deed done. I have watched him from the window and rarely see him mount a hen until he knows someone is around.

  6. The hens may go broody when it warms up some. Your ewes are waiting for an ice storm when the power is out.
    Hard to figure roosters, they are fast in the hen riding rodeo.

    1. Sf - Ya maybe he is getting it done that quick. Like I said though when doesn't know he is being watched I rarely see him mount a hen it seems to be just a possessive thing more than anything else.


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