
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Promises Promises

Maybe it's the fact that as a child then later a teenager and young adult I saw all the social promises that had been forced fed to me as a youngin reneged on over and over again but I can't help but wonder just how so many people today can be so oblivious to what is actually going on. Even if someone had not been paying a bit of attention before 2008 they should be able to see a clear pattern developing since then. Yet....

Investors still buy municipal and corporate bonds despite the haircut the investors got from Detroit and Government motors.

I still see Hillary and Bernie stickers on cars even out here.

Everyone and their mother make retirement plans counting on their pensions and social security with no backup whatsoever.

Oh I could go on. The numbers of Whites out there that still refuse to believe the so called "Minorities" are coming after all their wealth and property still mystifies me. Even with videos like the one below making the rounds every few weeks.

Not like White Americans haven't been paying reparations for over 150 years or anything, especially the last 50 or so. These types are never going to stop and the Femocrats who enable them will never stop either because it's those reparation payments that pay their salaries.
Then there is the pension and social security situation. Social security has already taken several hits and payment reductions from reduced COLA payments to pushing up the actual full payment retirement age. So the government has changed the rules and broken it's promise yet those who get pensions seem to think their so called "promise" is sacred?
Here is another article from Zerohedge on the up coming reduction of payments for the Central Teamsters union.
So my next question, before I have really even discussed the first, is, when did retirement stop being retirement and become some type of second life with mortgages, trips and toys? 

Anyway. Back to the first question. When did we stop taking charge of our own lives and start expecting empty promises to be there for us? If I was ever so gullible when I was young it was quickly shaken out of me as I watched the lies pass by over the years. I have seen our very government change the rules so many times, always to my detriment, that I can't understand how anyone would think a pension haircut is not on the table.
I just don't get it. Does no one understand circumstances change and no person can make promises so far down the line that you can take them seriously? Even planning your own retirement means nothing these days. Why if those in the video above get their way the government may try and take my property to pay their reparations. All you can count on is what you can hold and skills that cannot be taken away but you should always have a backup plan.
As I said I just don't get it. Red flags going up  everywhere these days and so very few seem to be seeing them at all.  Only thing we can do is hunker down and prepare to take care of ourselves because it's coming. No one can stop it now.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. I have a feeling that most of what we see is that we have been divided so that the pieces can easily be controlled and conquered. People came together after 9/11 but ever since then it seems everything has been done to set us against each other as a united america is dangerous to the elite who run the country as they can be easily be destroyed if everyone was an American instead of some hyphenated american of some race, sex or religion.

    1. Sf - Yes I think division is the main goal of many of the "elites" I also think flat out antagonism is the goal of many of the activist the "elites" have allowed to rise to power, like Obummer. Eventually the antagonism will reap some unwanted results I think.

  2. Remember when you could save money in a savings account? They paid interest and actually were a secure way to save and plan for retirement. A company sold stocks to get money to build a new plant or sink back into the business. There were real jobs if you wanted to work hard and things you bought were made to last or you could get them repaired. We are worried and we are so glad we found our farm last summer. Things are scary and so few people are honestly aware.

    1. Fiona - Exactly. All of it is gone. Too much debt fueled an un-natural world I think. One reason I generally say what some call the collapse will be better than what we have now. The collapse is already going on and it won't get better until everyone hits bottom.

    2. I think its a bit like taking of a quick rip and its off, momentary hurt but over quickly. The politicians messing with 2008 just slowed the problem in some cases and diverted it in others. Ralph and I still shake our heads when they say we are in recovery and things are better. Or heaven forbid the insane Unemployment lies they feed us. GOOD jobs are scarce....and don't get me started on the minimum wage thing!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anon - Ya. I always thought with the one exception of Ben Franklin paper money portraits was an Ex-Presidents club only.

  4. But this one is better, this one is different, this one said this, this one is less evil, this one is an outside, this one has the same beliefs, this one promised to do X, this one will shake up the system.
    Bullshit for sure and yet millions of people fall for it over and over. Add us to the list of 'don't get it'.

    1. Max - No kidding!!!! I guess some will believe what they want to no matter what the facts.

  5. PP,

    Were right their with you my friend.

  6. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
    Mark 3:25

    Whatever the motive of the "government officials" and "community organizers," the end result is the same. Both The Bible and the history books spell this out quite clearly.

    Stand by for heavy rolls as the ship comes about, folks...

    1. PF - Nice call!!!! I need to look to scripture more often than I do.I admire those who can and help us who forget along. There need to be more like you!!!!

    2. There are plenty like me, P.P. They just need to realize that what they're feeling in their gut is nothing short of the same thing Noah felt, and to act on that gut feeling. I'm sure everyone, including Noah's own family, thought he was crazy as well... until it started raining... and didn't stop...

      God's Holy Spirit is telling us, in no uncertain terms, "Get ready. Prepare."

  7. Yup.

    And ya know what galls me? They'll call you a loon for preparing. They'll give you sideways looks and smirk behind their hands and write you off as cuckoo.

    Then, when the lights go out and the water stops running they will expect you to share your supplies with them.

    I no longer invest in RRSP's. I am hoarding my cash and investing in metals - brass and lead among them. Keep laughing, children....

    1. Glen - I actually do still invest a bit but only in very specific sectors and only for short term (relatively speaking) gains. The market is so crazy I have managed to make some good calls and fund more than a couple of higher dollar prepping items with the results. Basically I am gambling but not putting any more money in just continuing with the rollI started with.


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