
Friday, April 8, 2016

OMG The Wind and a Couple of Lamb Pics

So I started letting the new babies and their mama's out into the West paddock for just a  few hours in the afternoon under close supervision. It's been about 3 weeks since I seen our resident Baldy, who apparently is not going as far away as usual this year. Typically the Bald Eagles leave in February or March and I don't see them again until November. This year at least one seems to be sticking around longer. Last I saw him or her, he had something out in the plowed field across the road so I am waiting until the lambs are at least three weeks old before letting them stay out in a pasture un-supervised. Last year a local lost two baby kids to a pair of eagles about this time so I am not taking chances.

While I was letting the two mommies and lambs out apparently I missed the fact that number 61, a first year breeding ewe, had taken herself into the third open lambing stall and delivered two black baby boys all by herself. I am not even sure how I missed her but by the time we discovered her the deed was already done. We just helped with the drying off part and gave her food and water and made sure the lambs were nursing properly.

After dinner I need to go back out and get the door open to the fourth birthing stall because I am willing to bet at least one other ewe is going to drop tonight.

While all this lambing is going on we are under constant attack by winds. It's so bad this year that even the city folk are complaining about it. One of the local stations did a whole segment on why the winds are so bad this year the other morning which I was watching before work. I had to chuckle because while the duration seems a bit extended this year the over all ferocity actually seems less than normal at least out here. I told one of my co-workers if he wanted to experience real windstorms to come out to the Small-Hold while he was complaining this morning. I don't think he believed me when I told him he knew nothing of winds living in the city. I am betting my neighbors who live further North into the plains are really getting clobbered right now.

I heard some roof metal banging again this afternoon but couldn't spot which section was doing it. Looks like I am going to be climbing back up there before long though.

On a rather happy/excited/sad note my work crew/Son has taken a job with his brother down in Florida operating a shrimp boat for the Summer. He shipped out this afternoon and I am sure going to miss him and not just for the extra hands and arms either. The place kinda seems a bit empty without him around and his cat is already driving me crazy not to mention the damned dog. Still just like I told him it's an opportunity I would never have passed up at his age. A Summer away in Florida on a  professional fishing boat. The stories he will have and the bikinis on the beach would be enough to get me there even if they weren't paying me.

I have been all over the world. Put up big grain bins out west, worked at a livestock barn in the Dakotas, Managed a hotel in Santa Fe, went to Germany in the Army and owned a condo in Florida to go deep sea fishing a lot but I have never worked on a professional shrimp boat. Honestly I think the allure of an adventure I know nothing about was a part of his decision to go as much as anything else.

Man the more I think about it the more fun it sounds. Getting old sucks :)

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!


  1. Are those dandelions I see in your pasture? This is the first year we have had dandelions on our fields, and very pretty they look too! Your lambs are looking good.
    Well done you for encouraging your son to have an adventure this summer for which he will also get paid. Sun, sea, and bikinis! Must be a dream come true for him.

    1. Vera - Ya those are dandelions. They start popping out early here. It's a mixed blessing out there because the bees will forage on them between other blooms.

      I hope he does well. y son gets distracted too easily at times.

  2. Fair play to your son, sounds like a great adventure and maybe a good way to save some money.
    Sure glad we don't have eagles. I seem to be having enough to contend with as it is. Spending half my time trying to catch sheep that don't want to be caught!

    1. Kev - I find the grain bucket is still my best herding tool. Putting a bunch of small pens in the barn helped a lot too. The crook seems to help until the sheep get almost full grown then it is a bit hard to hold on to.

  3. Great experience for the boy, glad we dont have eagles here well we do but not enough to cause issues, although the buzzards have been know to cause problems to new born lambs

    1. Dawn - The eagles have been a problem that has been growing pretty fast the last five years or so. Used to be seeing one was rare and cause for some enjoyment but now they are everywhere it seems and spreading their food choices out too.

  4. Glad you lambing seems to be going well. I would never have thought about eagles taking small live stock. I have heard of seagulls taking pet rabbits and small dogs like chihuahua. So I guess a small kid would be easy for a powerful bird.

    The wind is the pits sometimes. Downed 3 trees this year.

    1. Sol - Eagles will go after larger stock animals that cannot really defend themselves and nothing out there is as helpless as a lamb really. The eagles know even if they try and fail they are not going to get damaged in the attempt themselves so they become bolder. I have seen some birds of prey stay well clear of even kittens but go after a baby twice its size if they knew it couldn't fight back at all.

  5. That will be quite an experience. I look forward to hearing what he experienced and learned.

    1. TB - I hope he enjoys it. We will see. He has different priorities than I had when I was his age since it is an entirely different set of rules today.

  6. It is fun to watch the lambs appear on your blog, I like the black ones (trying to show I'm not a racist) but I know they are not preferred by the wool people unless a big fad starts for dark sweaters.
    I have seen shrimp boats but know nothing about them other than a joke that involves a shrimp boat door and a blind man.
    Windy here and hard to work outside.

    1. Sf - My mother prefers the darker natural wool to hand spin with which is why we have so many black sheep. If they are going to dye the wool of course no one wants black.

      I know little about shrimping either. It would be fun to do it at least one Summer if I was young though. We will see if he enjoys it.

  7. PP,

    Yes, I will have to agree with you about the getting old thing.

    The baby lamb pictures you put up are adorable. I would for sure keep an eye out for those birds. Maybe that eagle knows you're baby's will be out, and is waiting and hoping you're not watching.

    PP, the winds have been terrible out this way. I've not been able to plant my tomato seedlings. Were expecting rain and severe weather today, and Monday. I'd be willing to share with your city friend all the wind we've had.

    1. Sandy - If I only knew then what I know now :)

      Not too bad windy here today but we have a strong storm front coming up from your way right now so it is raining here a bit. Figures on my day off.


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