Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Not a Trump Supporter? You Will Be or Else
Ok maybe not all of you. There are the lovely over seas readers on here from across the pond and a few other places. There may in fact be a few Femocrat readers as well but if there are I don't know about them. A few do a drive by from time to time though.
However if you are not a liberal American then at this point either you become a Trump supporter or you will have to join the ranks of the anti-Male, anti-White, anti-conservative leftist conglomerate.
Why do I say that? Because it's pretty obvious now the left isn't going to allow a middle ground to remain and Trump has built up too much support from what we call the Right for any other leader to rise at this point.
I am not crazy about all of Mr. Trumps ideas. I think he is a bit too much of a social liberal in many ways BUT the time of choosing is over. If Trump loses the primary due to some type of brokered convention rules we have lost and it's at least four years of Hillary and "Golfer in Chief" like agenda on steroids. If Trump gets the nomination and those RINO republicans and butt hurt Cruz supporters fail to get on the band wagon and Trump losses the Presidential bid? Well it's back to Hillary winning once again.
This Trump run is no longer about Trump. Whether we like it or not Trump has now won enough support that he is in fact the leader of the last political defensive campaign of traditional Americans. If he loses there will be no more road blocks to out of control affirmative action, reparations etc...
Hell I will be looking for the boxcars lining up to haul me and every other White Man they can find off to the new progressive camps before Hillary's first term is over and the new laws passed that forbid White Women from spurning the advances of any minority Male.
Think I am over sensationalizing? Let Hillary win and you will see.
Personally I think this is no longer about politics but has escalated to the final stand off before open war. If Trump loses then the leftist allied conglomerate will be so emboldened nothing will stop them. They will know their riots and violence cannot be defeated and they will just get worse. If Trump wins then maybe, just maybe, we might avoid open warfare for a few more years. Maybe.
We rarely have the privilege of choosing our ideal leaders, only the cause for which we stand. Like it or not Trump is now attached too firmly to that cause to pick another leader. Either we support him or we fail.
Trump may make a bad President but no way he is going to be as bad, antagonistic or evil as Hillary Clinton. At the very least Trump may pick a good SCOTUS appointee if nothing else. We sure as hell know Hillary won't.
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!
Right On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteExtremely well put. I have to say Trump has shaken up the GOP to the core. The sad thing is they have learned nothing from it. Republicans are Conservative and the party needs to remember this. Plus lets face it the political system has ticked off anyone with a brain and even some who don't have one:). The scheming to "deal" with Trumps success just make the GOP powers that be look like a gathering of conspirators or maybe the three stooges I am not entirely sure which.
ReplyDeleteThe terrifying thing is Hillary.....and one question about that....why is she not being indited for the Benghazi fiasco...indited now...not all the stalling and dithering about it?
Fiona - Thank you!! I hafta admit I do admire Trumps ability to do just what you mention. Do I think there are much better leaders out there? Yes. But we have to support what we have now because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.
DeleteTrump reminds me so much of U.S. Grant who was not the best general, nor the best liked, he drank Old Crow and smoked cigars. What Grant would do that the other US generals did was retreat. If he won he advanced or if he was beaten he still advanced, he took it to the enemy (my ancestors, sigh). This is what Trump does he keeps advancing and taking it to the people who have practically destroyed our country. He does what it takes to win, we are not used to that in the Republican party of dainty, polite, politicians.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't sound right he didn't retreat, I think my ancestors must have been turning in the grave as I praised a Yankee.
DeleteSf - That is an excellent analogy actually. Do I have your permission to use that sometime in a discussion somewhere?
DeleteI would prefer a Western or Southern Conservative White Man to be supporting but it's too late to get one now. Our best bet is to support Trump now.
Yes you can clean it up and embellish it some. People would complain to Lincoln about the bad habits of Grant like being a drunk and he said he should have bought whiskey for all his generals if that was the result. I hate saying nice things about him but he was a hell of a general, better to be defeated by him as the losers that preceded him.
DeleteSf - I see your point. I guess he was good tactician although I am not so sure he was a good general. I guess we will really never know if he understood that his tactics simply fit at the time or if he was able to change if the circumstances had changed. Since they didn't who can say? Grant came into leadership after the North's advantages had been made to bear. I often wonder if he would have been able to win anything earlier and I don't think he could have honestly.
DeleteI have read that the two American Civil War campaigns that are taught in overseas military academies are Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign, and Grant's Campaign at Vicksburg. Both are models of calculated audacity.
DeleteMy point is that Grant was a great general, and most importantly a General who tended to make those around him better. That Robert E. Lee did not give Grant an opening to exploit like those he had in the Western Campaigns does not take away from that.
I am one who does not care for any of the choices at all. BUT I agree with you on this point.If one does not pick someone other than Hillary...than one should not speak when the preverable crap hits the fan!! One should bend over and kiss their arse goodbye when she hits the office! Anything goes in her eyes no matter the sacrifice which will be each of us!
ReplyDeleteME - Like I said above I agree with you on the choices and I agree with you as well about Hillary. I will start making plans for the final battle if she is voted in.
DeleteMC - That's the spirit. I honestly never thought I would ever be supporting a politician, Femocrat or Republican, from New York Ever. But I have no choice now.
ReplyDeletePP - as you very well know - you guys are screwed if Hillary wins! you need to start up a campaign to cover the bribes that you are all going to have to give out to all of the illegals so that they, too, vote Trump in. otherwise....*shudders*'s just too awful to even consider!
ReplyDeletesending love. your friend,
Kymber - The only bribe I am going to give the illegals any more is the the promise not to donate some lead to them. I am at the last line right now. If they come for me well this is where I start defending. If I am lucky I can go ont he attack after that :)
DeleteYes, I think our time of "normalcy" is near an end. Every law or executive action she implements will be an assault on our way of life. It will be a struggle between us the working tax payers and the takers and the elites who hide in their ivory towers. It sure looks like the good times may be over. That is one of the main reasons I have not retired already. The future holds more uncertainty now than ever so I want to store up every dollar and prepping goods that I can before it becomes time to pull in my head like a turtle and ride it out.
ReplyDeleteSD - It's pretty obvious to me the protest against Trump are not against his politics, at least by many of the protestors. This tells me they are simply protesting him because he is a White Male who speaks the truth. In turn that tells me the time for acting is over and when that's over we know whats next.
DeleteYou are wise to keep storing and saving.
Normalcy.....its not normal now....the Republicans in congress have power and do not use it...the president golfs while America burns...a self admitted socialist is the better choice for the Democrats and the GOP leading candidate is A reality TV star millionaire funding his own campaign. Oh and the recession is over because we have an economy that is growing at 1.5% a year!
DeleteFiona - No kidding :)
DeleteDon't forget the major battle cry for the younger voters is Free everything.
I do not follow the political agendas of either the UK or America, and could not follow the French government system because, well, it is in all in French which is a language I struggle to speak in, but I do not have good vibes for Hilary Clinton. I don't know why, I just don't. But I have a friendly feeling towards Trump. Not sure if these 'feelings' stem from my intuition or from my husbands view of the subject. He has an opinion, and often voices it. He likes to look behind the main stream news, as you do and other fellow bloggers do, and he doesn't like Hilary either.
ReplyDeleteVera - I am not sure what Hillary is actually. Whether she is simply a sell out to the haters she needs to get into power or one of the actual haters herself. Either way I doubt it will matter she will increase the looting and enslavement of Whites and men in particular a thousand fold.
DeleteI really liked this article and other articles you've authored.
ReplyDeleteWould you be OK if I shared one of your articles with the community? I can provide more information about Writer Beat or answer any question, but better than anything I can say in words, please take a look at the site.
If yes, just give me an "OK": and I'll handle the rest (there is no fee).
Autumn - If you wish to sure. I don't bother with copyrights or anything like that anyone who wants can use all of my stuff. I do this to spread a message in hopes it will help other like minded people. That is the only thing I am worried about.
DeleteIt's hard to believe these 2 candidates are the best that America can come up with. I can't stand any of the candidates this season except perhaps Jim Webb. Impressive guy for a Dem. Read his book on the Scot Irish in America. Having said all that I'm take a less orthodox view. As you said in you piece Trump will only delay the inevitable. Let's get it over with and elect the Hildebeast. It all has to get worse before it gets better.
ReplyDeleteIoren - The one thing that leads me away from the "lets get it over with" attitude is frankly guns or self defense rights. A Hillary victory will strike at the very base rights we need in place to survive the full collapse that is coming. Spending is one thing but disarming the productive citizens before we go completely broke is the ultimate folly.
DeleteGF - You are correct as usual!!!!
DeleteWe've nominated you for a leibster award, check out our page to see the details :)
ReplyDeleteTW - Thanks!!! I actually have been nominated several times over the years but I appreciate the sentiment :)
Delete20 Years.....If Bill and Hillary are will be 2 years at most....Lock and is going to get very ugly, very quick!
ReplyDeleteAnon - YA 20 years is probably an unrealistically long time frame. Either way it is coming. The longer it takes the worse it will be.
DeleteI'm with you all the way, PP. If Trump does not win the election, we may never see anything but a democrat in the WH from now on. I recently have purchased home and land that will provide me with a huge step towards self-sufficiency.