
Monday, April 4, 2016

Fracturing Feminist Fairytales

After over 10 years of blogging I have seen many blogs and commenters come and go. I have also witnessed almost a complete 180 degree opinion shift in many blogs. I can remember some very popular blogs and forums were my opinions on such things as multi-culturalism, feminism, White genocide by government and other topics were ridiculed, censored, flat out deleted or I was openly banned.

What I find amusing today is when I go over to one of those blogs or forums and see them posting links to articles saying the exact same things I wrote in comments there years ago, only now these opinions and facts seem to be mainstream enough to not raise their hackles.

Wasn't the first time, sure won't be the last.

Fracturing Feminist Fairy tales

Not that I think this essay has the complete picture mind you but it sure is on the right track.

One thing I would point out that is missed in the essay is the fact that the so called "Patriarchy" feminist scream about so often, never actually existed. At least not in so far that it really impacted the daily life of any individual female. As any country boy who courted women before the 1980's can tell you when it was time to go a callin it wasn't the patriarch you had to worry about nor impress. It was that ever present and always watchful Matriarch who made all the decisions and she wasn't fair, easily charmed and certainly not often fooled either. Men have never wanted to control the young attractive females, on the contrary it was the men who encouraged those dips into uncontrolled nature and it was the older women who had the mind to put a stop to it.

What feminism did first off, before it ever started attacking men, was to kill off the old system of the matriarch. Once the older women no longer had control the family was ripe for the killing too.

Anyway read the essay,  it's pretty good. I rather enjoy finally seeing some of these sites catching up to reality. It means someone at least is making a difference.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!!


  1. Well, having never been a so-called "feminist," I can't relate to any of their so-called arguments. A really, really good read from the country woman's perspective is Laura Ingalls Wilder's newspaper column articles from when she lived in Missouri. I can't recall the title of the collection, but I really agreed with her perspective.

    1. Leigh - I haven't read them but I think we have a copy around here some where. I may have to check em out.

  2. Dennis

    This is so true. You had better duck if you failed to do want mom expected. Dad would only look up and say do want your mother said. Yes there is some unequally but that depends on the man and the society, for example women need protecting. Wonder were that statement came from. The Wilder family proved that the woman could protect themselves.

    1. Dennis - What scares me is when the time comes for seriousness we will be left with a bunch of round pegs in square holes.

  3. blah-blah-blah. i read the table of contents and gave up. can we please have more tractor girls?

    bahahahahahahah! i kill me sometimes! sending love, your friend, the biggest feminist of all times,

    see i did it again! bahahahahahah!

    1. More tractor girls per Kymber's request. Gotchya :)

  4. Wish my mother had cared but she didnt she was happy to have me gone from under her roof with who ever would take me on and that was back in the 1970's perhaps it was because she saw me a s wild and untamable :-)

    1. Dawn - Wild and untameable. You are describing 99% of my relationships before I hit 40 :)

  5. Funny thing-- By all accounts, Laura Ingalls Wilder was a progressive. Maybe in her time, some progressivism was a good thing (I'm sure glad the literacy rate is higher than what we are told it was back then, and I'm glad the law demands that you feed your kids and not beat them too dang hard), but I think she'd turn in her grave to see progressivism today!!!! It ain't progress any more-- it's an attempt to re-create the alleged imbalances of the past, with the scales tipped the other way, in the name of "reparations." Recreating something broken front-to-back doesn't repair anything, folks-- it just gives you a backwards, broken thing that still doesn't work.

    Other than making really atrocious use of grammar (What did she do-- major in English??), her points mirror very clearly the reasons why I packed up my marriage license and our ahead-of-the-wedding-vows daughter, tossed my PhD aspirations in the dustbin, and became a SAHM and part-time homesteader instead.

    My only regret?? I have to compete, daily, with the bright, gorgeous, and income-earning products of feminism in the arena of sexual (and thus ego-boosting) desirability. How do I stack up next to an age-mate (I'm 38 years old) who possess the flat tummy, gym-toned body, and richly developed social and intellectual life that comes of childlessness??? This mythical She, who my husband sees daily in his metropolitan office, has spent the last fifteen years in the gym, at the theatre, in the Current Adult Bestsellers section of the library. I've spent the last fifteen years in the kitchen, at the park, in the Children's Section alternating between hunting for Two Little Trains (again) and wrangling hyperactive preschoolers so we don't get thrown out of the library altogether.

    I might be kinder than Feminist Woman, and more likely to stick around when the poop contacts the propeller...

    ...but how does that stack up to the lean, toned, stimulating Feminist Woman who chose not to plow 90% of her self into a husband, a home, and a pack of kids???

    I don't regret that husband, that home, or that pack of kids, or the time I've plowed into them. They're my pride and joy, the lights of my life. But I do find myself thinking of the "displaced homemakers" of the Seventies and Eighties-- housewives who, with the advent of no-fault divorce, found themselves cast aside in favor of younger women with fewer obligations and tighter, shinier packages. I find myself thinking of them-- and I'm SCARED.

    I'm loyal. She's beautiful. I'm dependable. She's fun. I work hard. She can do 8 to 6:30 at the office and then play hard until bedtime. And after bedtime??? I'm exhausted-- barely enough left for a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am and a groggy post-coital cuddle. She's fresh from fun, with lingerie and massage oil and some hot new positions she's dying to try.

    All I can do is trust in my husband to remember who had his back when his prospects weren't so hot and those girls wouldn't give him a second glance (and he could get slapped with harassment charges for giving them one), remember who bore and is raising his children (and hope that's something he still values), think of who will be there still when he's old and tired and the professional dollars have stopped flowing, and come home to me.

    Let us pray.

    1. MC - I would point out two things.

      1. More women than men have used and filed for divorce since the "No-Fault" moniker came out. The issues and problems you mention are not just a women thing either. I have seen many a marriage broken when the wife decided she was bored or just "not happy". In fact I would say from my experience it happens to men far more often than to women at least in the last 20 years or so. The danger signs were always the same too. Wife starts dropping weight, starts raising money for new breasts, out the door with a younger plaything in a year.

      2. If the matriarchy was still in place and we didn't have the government doing everything in it's power to place women in male roles you would not be competing with the type of woman you describe. Also the now defunct matriarchy kept a lid on such social predators anyway.

      That being said I hear you and see your point. We have lost our social rules and enforcers that kept things like you mention from happening, or if they did happen they had consequences back then that they don't today.

    2. I believe more women than men do it, but men (especially men with poor self-esteem around midlife-crisis time) aren't immune either. Men are prolly more likely to have an affair and then come home all sorry when the shine wears off.

      It's not as if I'm butt-ugly-- I can still squeeze into size-10 skinny jeans and a t-shirt-- but after 4 kids, it involves either a panty girdle or a shirt with some stirring lol. Not too bad for 4 kids and pushing 40...

      ...but I still look more like the tractor than like one of the Tractor Time girls lol. Women really do age like milk. I hope I've turned into cheese instead of kefir-gone-wrong, but there it is.

      It's also not as if I'm utterly dull. I can converse on religion, politics, social issues, current events, classic literature, kids, my interests in homemaking and homesteading, my husband's interests in fantasy and role-playing games and cooking. Give me a copy of the book and six weeks to read it and I can probably discuss current literature. I'm cultivating some skills in being able to discuss dieting and exercise and men's fashion (although, gag me with a spoon on the latter).

      As far as women in male roles goes... I dunno dude. I'm not the most traditionally feminine of women. I'm as much at my ease with a hammer as with a rolling pin. I might be socially awkward and anxious, but I'm not reserved and retiring once I'm comfortable. I do the "man chores" around here most of the time, not because he won't, but because I like it and my dad encouraged me in both man-things and woman-things while he's not too fond of those things and his dad trained him in man-things by berating him every time he made a novice mistake. Yeah-- Colossians 3:21 definitely applies.

      More than that-- Feminism was supposed to be about choices. They're lying through their bleached teeth, because for a feminist there is only one valid choice...

      ...but I want the choices to exist. I'm glad that I'm doing what I'm doing by choice. My grandmother resented the dickens out of being forced out of her bookkeeping job when she married at 28-- that was 63 years ago, and she still talks about it to this day. She wasn't crazy about being teased and mocked because it took her so long to marry, either, and she would have LOVED to move out of her abusive stepmother's house as a single woman.

      I'm glad my vocation (or avocation, if you rather) is a choice. It's the right choice for me, but I know women who would fit very badly indeed into my role. If I resent anything, it's being looked down on for my choice because it isn't a "real" job for a "smart" woman. I want my daughters to be able to choose a professional career or a family, not be told they MUST by force of social politics or biology have one and only one choice.

      I guess I'm just foolish, because I don't understand why having that choice MUST pigeonhole a woman as either a feminist or a traditionalist. I don't understand why one choice MUST be always-wrong and the other always-right. If black-and-white thinking is a hallmark of autism and my diagnosed autistic self can manage to see multiple shades of gray, all these women with their (theoretically) normal brains should be able to manage it.

      I also don't understand why choice in vocation and choice in lifestyle MUST come with all this materialism, all this selfishness, and all this amoral (immoral) hedonism and lack of loyalty, perseverance, commitment, and impulse control. Feminism stinks-- but it's just part of a culture of perpetual childhood that's grown up in the West since throwaway consumerism replaced productive capitalism and a culture of momentary self-indulgence replaced a culture of intelligent planning, moral behavior, and self-control.

    3. That should say "shirring." Your know, frills and gathers designed to hide a frontal muffin top. After 5 pregnancies and 4 live births, crunches only go so far.

      And I guess it's so-called Third Wave feminism that I'm really so deeply against-- this garbage isn't even credibly pretending to be about choices and equality any more. They're just whiny little mean girls.

      Of course, if Third Wave feminism is cultural dog crap, Second Wave feminism must by extension be the female dog that left it in the yard...

    4. MC - Don't think for a minute I would say homesteading and working around a farm/ranch whatever is a man's role. It's a woman's role just as much in my opinion. No when I said a man's role I meant more along top executives that type of thing. I am sure many women will like to disagree with me but those top positions are never quite filled as well by women as men and I have suffered through the good and bad of both genders to come to that opinion. It ain't like I didn't give feminist a chance. I didn't have a choice in the matter anyway.

      Men are not immune to it but White Men especially these days are not the preferred target for such predators as they once were. By the age range you are talking about most modern women no longer want much to do with them any longer unless they have high paying jobs. Still as I said I see your point and while I say it isn't just a woman's issue it ain't just a man's either.

      The ultimate problem with feminism is it weakens the whole. We rarely if ever put our best foot forward because we are attempting to manipulate outcomes regardless of abilities. Doing things that was can go on a long time just fine until a real emergency comes along and then it falls apart.

    5. Ah, a Liberated Man LOL. Not a jibe-- that's the best kind. I get very tired of catching flak for being the one most often out doing the labor. Hey, folks, Laura Ingalls worked in the hayfield...

      Yes, I agree with you, those top exec roles are never (or very, very rarely) filled as well by women. It's also generally not good for the women who do end up filling them. It's hard on a man. Most women in those roles end up haggard (and hag-like) from the stress and the power-mongering.

      Case in point: Hillary. Nuff said.

      And, yes, women in general and feminists in particular are generally worse about betrayals, "trade-ups," and general socially crappy behavior. Guys, most of the time, will get drunk, beat the tar out of each other, and move on. Women sneak around, smile to your face, and carry a grudge forever. Yuck.

      There's a reason why I pick my friends more and more carefully as the years go by (at this time, I have six-- one from childhood, three from college, and two that I met through my kids), and as things stand right now half of the people I consider friends are men.

    6. MC - you need to start a are a very interesting woman!

  6. Hmmmmm. My wife's mother was a matriarch. She was a loud, domineering woman that they all kow-towed to regardless of whether she was right or wrong. I always thought she was a stupid b**** and early on, back when she was my girlfriend - I told my wife she had a choice to make because that woman would not be telling me what to do. The old bird got a new attitude when she learned she would lose in a push.

    For thirty plus years though she tested me and tried to rule my household as well as hers. I gave the old bint the punt for good last year.

    I don't like to fight. I didn't want to do that. But she wouldn't give us our space, she was getting between me and my daughter, she was getting involved in our affairs and wouldn't let us make our own decisions. She was a lousy parent of her own kids and when she tried to parent mine...enough was enough.

    I don't think women are meant to head families or companies. They're emotional and it interferes with the critical thinking process.

    1. GF - I think that depends on the definition of heading families. What I was referring too isn't so much who was the head of the family as it was who set the rules for the young women. What feminist like to claim was the patriarchy that decided what was appropriate for young girls wasn't a patriarchy but a matriarchy. The Matriarchy didn't have as much sway on the male side of things.

  7. I had to say something on this topic....I was a woman who took the road less traveled. I worked in Agriculture in the early 70s and on. One of the first work in the show cattle industry. I drove big farm equipment and the man who hired me was laughed at for hiring a mere girl....I range rode on a ranch of some 90,000 acres and was the only woman for miles. I found out then that if I was going to be good at the mans work I could not be in the house. I made a choice. The myth women can do it all from work, family, home, romantic partner is just that, a myth. Yes they do it but then there is childcare to look after the children, support and special treatment at work with maternity leave. They complain about unequal pay but they ignore the fact they need all this other stuff. Time off to take children to sports and extra curricular events. Time for retreats and the availability of said retreats. I have done the first woman thing...I was one of two of the first women to graduate Farrier science at Olds college. The one thing I truly believe is the feminist movement has done more damage than good to women. The mother who stays home to care for her children is to be commended and respected, the strength of our future resides in her hands! If feminist's had been honest and explained you can 'do' these things in male dominant fields but you cannot do everything else it would have been smarter or perhaps less disillusioning... Okay I will stop my rant and say A strong woman is hard to beat and I think the strong ones raise great children!


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