
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Peach Blooms, Post Holes and Pollen

I had a brief window of opportunity to get a few things done before the rains hit us again (supposedly) tonight. This early Spring has kinda caught me with my pants down to be honest. I wasn't prepared to start mowing just yet and I was really hoping for a bit more time to get the fencing project worked on before mowing became a weekly chore once again.

Alas I guess it is not in the cards this year because I officially had to start mowing yesterday. I got one mower running and the other is going to have to wait until payday for a new battery and it needs a tire either fixed or replaced as well. Luckily I kept the pile up of unwanted yard ornaments to a minimum this year so it didn't take an entire day to remove them so I could mow....

Only half a day this year.

The extra half day was spent putting in the new gate posts I need for the next step in the fencing project. An area where three gates are going to kinda come together and an out building needs to be worked into the configuration as well. With the rains they are predicting for the rest of this week it was kinda important I get them set so they can settle some before I hang the gates next week. Weather permitting of course.

I used the 850 in post hole mode for that project of course. She may not have a live PTO but she does a good job running that post hole attachment.

The Peach trees are in full bloom now and the girls are working them for all they are worth along with the Box Elders still. The Plum is about ready to bloom and the Redbuds are not far behind them along with some Elm as well.

The Apples appear to be lagging quite a bit this year though and the Pear are kinda looking like they might not bloom at all but go right into leafing out. It sure is turning into a strange Spring I can say that.

The hives are bringing in lots and lots of yellow pollen now as well. I still haven't broken down the two dead out hives I have from Winter as the girls are still robbing what's left of them. I also haven't removed the insulated wraps or opened the entrances up all the way yet. I still have this nagging feeling Winter isn't done with us yet but that little nag is decreasing by the day to say the least.

The hives sucked down another gallon of sugar syrup in only a few hours today. It looks like they are preparing a massive build up to take advantage of this very early Spring but I have yet to see any orientation flights.

My prayers now are hoping that this strange Spring doesn't bring a Summer drought.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!!


  1. Good to hear the girls are out and about! The Almond bloom is done out West and the bees are up and my parents place for about two weeks to get the manzanita blooms before they leave again.

    1. TB - I read all nuts were pollinated by bees but I have yet to see any on my Walnut trees. I hear the Almond bloom is a huge flow crop for the migratory bee keeper operations.

  2. What pretty blossoms. I noticed some buds on the trees we planted last month but of course, nothing like yours!

    1. Lisa - I just hope the cold doesn't ruin the Peach crop this year. My son would be heart broken.

  3. Our peaches are full of bloom and I actually saw bees on them from some distant hive. I could use that post hole digger in a few minutes, going to dig a hole to put up another pole for the hops patch.

    1. Sf - If you were closer I would sure loan her to you. She sits around most of the time waiting to be used here until the perfect day I can get her out.

  4. i'm glad the girls are getting their food! in other news, we switched to geico - bahahahah! but the best news - ghomesi was acquitted of all charges! that should put a smile on your otherwise scowling face - bahahah!

    sending much love, as always! your friend,

    1. kymber - Ya I enjoyed reading about how Ghomesi's lawyer tore the one "victim" to shreds :)

  5. PP,

    Beautiful blossoms, and I see your bee's are out and about gathering pollen.

    1. Sandy - They been out chugging away that's for sure!!!


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