
Monday, February 15, 2016

Ok So I Fibbed a Little

So I didn't end up working the entire 12 hours today. I got a co-worker to cover the last half for me because I really needed to get the last few things done on the tractor parts for the rebuild.

I got the sides of the hood painted Gray and still need to do the nose and center stripe down the middle red. I also got the battery shelf cleaned, stripped, primed and repainted too. I could have gotten these last few things done this weekend but it was just too damned cold to work on even in the shed with the space heater going. It just figures when it starts warming up into nice days again I have to work all week.

With a bit of luck tomorrow evening I will be able to tape off the gray side sections and paint the center part and nose and be done with it enough we can put the old girl back together again. I should be able to finish the paint touch up and such while she is together as like I said I am not going all out on restoring her just touching up her paint.

Right now I have tools, wire brushes, empty paint cans, my air compressor and Lord only knows what else scattered around between three out buildings and my shop is so disorganized it's going to take me a week to get everything back in order again.

The last two weeks of arctic temperatures has also reduced my firewood reserves which are usually starting to get low this time of the season anyway and February has so far been wetter than November thru January combined. Luckily I got quite a bit down already in easily accessed places this year but all this time spent on the tractor has eaten into my other chores considerably. It will be nice to get it finished.

So off to bed and yes I am working the full 12 hour shifts the rest of this week so posting will probably be a bit light.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!


  1. At least you're getting a break from the cold temps. Warming up here, too, and for now we're just watching the snow melt.

    You getting close to lambing?

  2. We have used most of the wood that I have inside so after the ice melts some I will go bring in some damp wood and start feeding it in with the dry. Looks like your tractor girls could do some of that prep work on the tractors for you.

  3. We have used a big chunk of our wood too. Last week was just super cold. And then we got the ice storm and snow storm and now we are on day two of no power. We are prepared so it's okay although causes a lot of extra work. I've got all the fridges going by generator for a bit right now so we won't lose any food.


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