
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Iowa, Politics and the Upcoming Election

I like Iowa. Oh it's a bit too cold for my tastes in Winter sure but not much worse than we get down here in Missouri. I have met and dealt with plenty of people from and in Iowa and they are always nice and polite. They have some damn fine farmland and clean towns with some rich history. Their trees are kinda puny though by and large.

When it comes to politics however Iowan's are about as smart as a box of rocks most of the time. This isn't a new phenomenon either. In fact I did a post about it back in 2012 if I remember right. See the trouble with Iowa in general is they are the most susceptible group of sheltered White people on the entire planet. There is just enough of them to matter, unlike some other plains states that have much lower populations, but they have never really had a taste of the true diversity and craziness the Femocrats and RINOs push off on the rest of America and they have enough residual civil-war abolitionist/Germanic liberalism left in them to believe the multi-cult propaganda to boot.

If Iowa existed in a vacuum it would almost be Heaven.

So all that being said Trump supporters don't take this Iowa thing as something of any real importance. Iowa is NOT a political indicator by any stretch of the imagination except to show how insidious the multi-cult propaganda arm is doing with those who are unable to see the real world. Remember Reagan lost the Iowa caucus as well.

I like Trump, I will admit that. Not so much because I feel he can do anything to stop the train wreck we have coming but because he at least sends a message that I think needs sending. I doubt, as I said, he can stop anything but maybe he at least won't make it worse before it get's here.

I will say though the Republican's have a chance this time around. The Femocrats are running the two worst possible choices they could think of. If they had been smart they would have found them another Negro front man to run and gotten the stupid, vapid White Female entertainer types to hype him up like they did with Obummer. Either that or run the false-Injun nutjob Senator but instead they chose an old Hag that too many love to hate and a washed up old White Male Socialist with negative sex-appeal.

Perhaps they are counting on their routine voter fraud to carry this election like they did the last though?

Whatever the case the Iowa caucus is a non-starter. I am actually surprised Trump did as well as he did there.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. I pay little attention to Iowa, I don't really remember them picking too many winners. I actually liked Cruz until one of his fund raiser people called me and argued with me and put all kinds of pressure on me to donate to the campaign. I got so pissed that I hung up on the jerk and went out to my car and ripped the Cruz sticker off the bumper. I don't think anyone can fix what is coming, just the price for having the Federal Reserve placed above the law and no term limits on lawmakers and judges.

    1. Sf - While I admit I like Trump, mostly because he pisses the right people off, I am not set in stone. I will vote for whomever the repubs elect to run because voting for a femocrat is like voting for my own death. One reason I don't get too involved in the primaries. At this stage in the game I vote mostly for anyone I think will be a little slower on taking our rights away more than anything else.

  2. No one can fix what is coming. No one. It's too late. The BEST thing we could do at this point is get people in there who will pull the plug and bring it down in a marginally more controlled manner, before it gets too much bigger.

    I don't, however, think that Mr. Trump gives a damn about us peasants, any more than Ms. Clinton or any other candidate. Though I disagree with him on some issues, I harbor a thread of hope that Mr. Carson might actually live (or at least remember what it's like to live) a regular American life...

    ...and if anybody actually gives a damn about us down here on the ground, sad to say, it's probably Mr. Sanders. Too bad he's a Flying Rainbow Unicorn Socialist With Eutopian Delusions Regarding Human Nature.

    We're screwed. Just screwed. Sometimes I even have the grimly hopeful feeling that this election cycle has brought that into sharp focus for a few million more people.

    1. MC - First off thanks for commenting!!!

      Second Off LOL @ Too bad he's a Flying Rainbow Unicorn Socialist With Eutopian Delusions Regarding Human Nature.

      Third off - I don't trust Blacks in politics at all any longer. Especially after the pretenders Rice and Powell. Carson never showed me enough or said the right things to get me passed that.

      You are right however the best thing is that we get it over with but I think there is a greater chance that Obummer would do a complete turn around on the second amendment before any one voted into office would pull the trigger on getting it over with.

  3. I know people who are voting democrat this cycle. Not because they support the dems but because they are hopibg to hasten the collapse.


    1. Exile - Believe me I have thought about doing that a time or two. The one real reason that stops me though is when I stop and think about how much damage they can do to other areas, especially gun rights, before they bring on the collapse. I figure at this point we need those rights intact as much as possible when it does happen.

    2. I agree, it's likely that even up in Canada we will see a major gun grab ftom our new overlords.


  4. All I know about Iowa is it sure is a boring state to drive across ;-)

  5. nice to know that its just not here in SA that people are led by the person with the biggest personality, here we are being led by someone who has the schooling education of a 12 year old.... now about that minister of finance

  6. PP,

    Reagan skipped the last debate, lost both Iowa and New Hampshire and was still elected.

    That said, I don't trust Cruz as he has surrounded himself with establishment lackeys of whoever is the invisible hand running things behind the scenes.

    Also Cruz's wife links to the Goldman Sachs as well as CFR lackeys.


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