
Monday, February 22, 2016

Hey Glitch Number Six

The old girl is all together and she looks pretty good even with the rusty old paint on the axles and rims and the really bad back fenders.

The last step for the hood assembly was to put the always missing front hood emblem in the center cyclops spot of the hood.

It wouldn't fit.

I kinda suspected there was an issue with the center cap but since the bolts holding it together were rusted to the point of being fused I hoped it wouldn't be too bad.

I was wrong.

Either I now go ahead and leave her without a center medallion or I take the center part off one of the other hoods I got laying around. Going to be a B^%tch getting the center parts off both hoods no matter what at this point.

I must say I have learned a lot about restoring old tractors now though. It ain't easy that's for sure. So many little problems and issues. So many parts were changed, swapped out or somehow made to work over the years it's almost impossible to know what you are going to need until you try and put something else in it's place.

At this point I think I am going to live without the emblem for a while before I tackle this center issue though. Too many steps back for the time being.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. I suspect that as things break down people will start salvaging bits from various tractors and vehicles to keep others running.

    Look at cuba and ww2 europe for examples of weird jury rigging.


    1. A survival skill too few in the US understand, let alone have mastered. Many actually make fun of people trying to fix/adapt. A throw away mindset.


    2. Barter is very popular in our town.


    3. I can't say I ever been all that good at bartering but I have always had a knack for scavenging and ethnic engineering :)

    4. Bartering is easy. I have a rototiller. My neighbour wanted to borrow it one year when I was up north. So he did his garden then did mine as well, so that when I got back my garden was ready to plant.


  2. I'd be tempted to install a spot light there. :-)

    1. Been thinking about it all day and I am going to try and replace the nose cone. IF I can get the rusted bolts off.

  3. Yes a spotlight or maybe one of those chrome sirens that used to be on top of police cars, it would run the nags into the next county.

    1. I have come too far. I will get a nose cone on that tractor with an emblem damnit :)


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