Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
Friday, January 15, 2016
The Parties Over Better Be Ready
I finished up my morning chores that always pile up when I work a couple of 12 hour shifts in a row. Cleaned out the wood furnace, got the fire going good again, checked on the feeders that type of stuff.
This time it's a little more time sensitive since we had a beautiful 60 degree day yesterday while I was trapped at work but now the clouds have come in and it's not suppose to get above the mid thirties today. However Starting tomorrow the cold returns and Sunday we are suppose to be in single digits.
Low single digits at that.
What did I discover hanging out in the barn now? Yep another stray cat. All black and obviously someone's pet up until just recently since he comes readily to any human when he hears or sees one, meowing the entire way complaining about his current predicament. I would guess maybe a year old tops.
The chickens are not being very nice to him and chase him around a bit and he has not lost his fear of the great outdoors yet either since he won't leave the barn. My guess is someone took him from their home and dropped him in the driveway or the roadside right outside and he ran for the first cover he could find. Our barn. Not the first time I have seen that scenario play out.
We had a pretty good run going almost two years now without a new stray cat showing up but it looks like that party is now over. Judging by the other indicators I been reading about and seeing with my own eyes I would say we are once again on the brink of an uncontrolled fall down another stairstep of collapse.
A trip through Zerohedge will show Baltic Dry way down, Rail shipping down, more bond downgrades, stocks collapsing all over, retail sales at their lowest and the new addition this time around.... Major funds and brokerages actually calling openly for a reset and imminent depression.
All the above and now my personal very own Small-Hold economic indicator of more strays. Looks like a perfect storm is brewing.
Not that we haven't seen this scenario build over and over the last seven years. Perhaps the central banks can manipulate us out of this crisis one more time or perhaps they are indeed all out of bullets. No way we will know for sure until it either happens or the green arrows start to climb on the charts. Just like many have predicted though these dips and crisis periods are becoming more frequent and spaced closer together as time goes by.
It's only a matter of when at this point not if.
I hope we are all prepared and ready!!!
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!
What a gorgeous cat! We've had them dumped at our place before too. One of the things of rural living I guess. Better a cat than a dog though.
ReplyDeleteLisa - Starting in 08 we got whole cat families dumped on us.At least one a year and a couple of years two moms and their babies. We found homes for most of them. Attrition took care of a few as well I have to say. Honest truth is we don't have room for all of them nor the money to take care of them properly so we do what we can. Haven't had one dropped off in almost two years now, at least none that have moved into the barn like this one has but looks like things might be changing once again.
DeleteI just went through ZH and it doesn't look good. The real moment of truth where you will really know not to stand too near the fan will come when the evening news starts to tell the truth. The moment when the lie won't work and they are forced to tell at least a version of the truth as I don't know if they are capable of uttering the truth after so long. It would almost like hearing the dog go "Moo" when it happens.
ReplyDeleteI sent a liberal friend a link to a ZH article about 3 weeks ago that roughly laid out what has happened and of course I got no reply to my telling him that he had about 2 weeks to save his 401K. The guy lets me cut wood on his place so I thought I would be nice. You kind of have to be care being the messenger as sometimes they get shot but I think he will be ok about the whole thing.
I like that black cat, might make a good supervisor.
Sf - There are so many out there that are so dependent on the system but refuse to admit it that unless you go into a discussion knowing there is going to be a fight there is no point getting into it with them.
DeleteAt this point I want to see the look on their faces when they realize the government checks ain't coming no more.
Dont know why people see fit to dump there pets when they can no longer look after them, instead doing such a cruel act why not take them to animal shelters, yes a sign of the times we see over here often.
ReplyDeleteDawn - I have to admit I have mixed feelings towards the dumper as the case maybe. So many pet owners are not really ones that actively start out to be either. I have rented and such and with very few exceptions somehow no matter where I am a cat tries to move in with me. In today's world so many people are hanging by a thread that can snap at any moment and just don't know it and can find themselves the owner of a cat or dog with no where to take it.
DeleteIf the so called shelters we pay money for were as accommodating as the damned liberal/feminist abortion clinics then many of these abandoned pets could at least been given a quick death...
But nooo... They same Women you see screaming about killing babies being their right will destroy a shelter that kills unwanted pets. Instead these shelters fill up and then the pets that make it out here are turned away.
It's a farce and as most things these days is just the city idiots pushing their problems off into the rural areas.
I watched one time as young woman dropped her cat off out here. She was in tears while doing it but could I honestly expect her to do the deed herself?
Honestly I am just really torn on this subject and a bit more tolerant to the dumpee side right now since I haven't had to deal with strays in a while. Let another couple show up and I might be back to wanting to ambush and shoot the dumpees once again.
No you wouldn't PP. YOU would. They'd kill ya and bury ya in the back 40, and you know it.
DeleteLong Time Lurker
Kurt - I am not really sure how to take that? Are you implying that I won't set up an ambush for people dumping animals on the Small-Hold?
DeleteIf so you are probably correct. Even in a collapse situation I wouldn't take that as a reason to fight another Human even if I do think it is a slime ball move.
As for anyone killing me and burying me in the back 40. Well I am pretty confident I can give as good as I get in any situation still. Another few years though and I may well be just full of air I'm afraid. Getting old sucks.
We used to have a big problem with Dropoffs. We also have a runaway breeding issue. I think we had something like 30 kittens one spring. Just a joke I hung a sign on my mail post that said " Free Pussy". Much to my surprise we got rid of most of the kittens to people passing on the road.. Made me chuckle. Also That cat is a looker. I would name him Count Dracula.. Have a good day PP
ReplyDeleteCarl in the UP
LOL Carl my wife and mother would literally DIE if I put a sign like that out :)
DeleteNo you wouldn't PP. YOU would. They'd kill ya and bury ya in the back 40, and you know it.
DeleteSorry, got it posted as reply to wrong comment lol
Long Time Lurker
Kurt - Oh LOL NOW I see!!! YA you're right they would kill me and take the sign down anyway.
DeleteGuess I ought to grab a few more bags of Purina while the getting is good...
ReplyDeleteSigh. I guess I should be congratulating myself on our paid-up bills, paid-off car, paid-off house, and general comparatively good position.
I just feel kinda sick. I know a lot of people who aren't gonna be OK through this. Cousin who just found a job in interior design... A friend with 3 kids and $1200 a month in debt service (no savings whatever) barely hanging on on a single salary of $1800 a month... Another friend disabled by degenerative neuromuscular issues (he'd love to work, but no one will hire a guy who admits he has to take pain pills to function every day) with two kids getting by on his wife's minimum-wage job (she was a professional chef, but they really didn't feel safe bringing their boys up in the city)...
I have a sinking feeling that there's more than 200 pounds of Purina in my future. More like 3 sets of double bunk beds. :-(
MC - Yes there is a lot of pain coming our way. At this point it might be better to look at it as pain we are either going to get quick and deal with it or pain we will just have for years. Better to get it over with I think.
DeleteI am planning on making a lot of pet food out of rice and corn myself. I hope they adapt.
Care to post that recipe, PP?? "Strays" tend to turn up here-- the kind with four legs, and the kind with two.
DeleteIn honor of the late Mr. Rickman, "Severus" would be a great name for that cat...
DeleteMC - I will hit Mrs. PP up for that recipe I know she looked into it. You can actually grind up and dry a lot of vegetable and grain matter and make a pet food out of it with just a bit of animal remains to keep em alive.
DeleteSeverus would be a fine name for that cat!!!!
The recipe would be most welcome. We spend more than I care to think on dog food.
DeleteAnd Severus is a fine and honorable name.
TB - Not sure it would be cheaper honestly. The main ingredient especially for cats was the organ meat from the sheep. Basically making a patte type thing. Cheap if you have the organ meat but otherwise.....
Deletetic, tic, tic......"ringing" yes the time has come. The Liberals will still blame the GOP......"ringgggggggggggg"
ReplyDeleteRob - Yep it's all Bush's fault :)
DeleteI to think everything is getting ready to come crashing down, been getting ready for several years now, but now that it is so close, getting a real sick feeling and realizing I really am not as ready as I would like to be. Plus I see so many people I know who have woke up and are trying to get ready but a little to late.
ReplyDeleteAlso didn't realize I didn't have you in my links, so I did just add your link.
Have a great day, and I guess all we can do is the best we can do . It is much better then a lot of people out there.
Frugal - I will move your blog link over to the right!!!
DeleteI don't think we can ever be as ready as we would like to be but we are miles ahead of the others I imagine.
Yes the Baltic Dry index is "Shrinking" but here is a refuting article I saw on Survival Blog.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the ZH article was spiked with a dose of fear porn.
So yeah things are getting bad and will only get worse but I hate getting worked up on an inaccurate article.
But maybe it'll get a few more people off their butts and in gear.
Matt - Well I didn't even read that particular article on the Baltic dry today only saw the heading. The Baltic Dry index has been falling for the last few years as far as I know though. This latest article is only one of a long line. The big ones I remember were the European companies that were taking ships off their insurance policies and the building records that were showing a dramatic decrease in new construction.
DeleteOtherwise I don't know myself.
THAT cat is beautiful! and i am sooo glad that you are such a softie and take the strays in. all 3 of our cats are strays...and if they ever bring any more home, we will take them in too. i think it speaks to a person's character on how they treat animals that have no home so you know that i think the world of you (even tho yer a nutter!).
ReplyDeletethe world is going to heck in a handbasket. jam and i try to stay away from the news as it only enrages and upsets us. we are here on our island for life and regardless of what happens, we'll just have to make do somehow.
years ago, when we were all mushy and romantic, we both promised each other that if we had to live in a refrigerator box in a parking lot somewhere, we would somehow make do. we still make that promise to each other every day.
but we aren't in a parking lot. we are here on an island that no one in the world cares about. it will be hard if it all goes to hell in a handbasket...but that's why we chose to come here. because we will find a way. we will always find a way. or die trying.
i love the new cat. what is his name?
sending much love, buddy. your friend,
Apparently Mrs. PP wants to call him Jack Sparrow but I am thinking Severus, as recommended above, is the best bet. Severus wasn't as cuddly though :)
Deletei like Jack Sparrow.
DeleteI think I might delete that comment kymber :)
DeleteI have read eye witness accounts of collapse situations that have happened around the world that the cats are the first to disappear and next dogs. The reason being is that cats taste better so they say. About 75 cats or so might make you too valuable to shoot and bury on the back 40.
ReplyDeleteSf - I have read many accounts of cats and dogs disappearing during hard times. From the fall of Rome and several dark age sieges to WWII and Cuba after the missile crisis.
DeleteOne of the favorite cats we had was a black cat with yellow eyes, Sasha. Sweetest, most balanced cat ever. Black cats have a special place in my heart.
ReplyDeleteIt is like watching a slow motion train wreck...
TB - Yes it is. We have never had a black cat before. A new experience here for us.
Deletethank you for adopting the cat.
ReplyDeletesay the word and i will email you and you give me your address. i will mail a small check to help with severus' food bill. now is $$$ for everything about cars so no $$ this month .
every time i go to grocery store it is more $$ but we are not buying anything different.
corn not good for cats. grain free food is a bit better. vet says rice is alright, at least for some problems.
i give dog rice every day.
we have a ton of cats ,about 12, indoors. they are eating up the money.
please post cat food recipe as the cost is mostly food. everyone calls us and wants us to take strays but we just cannot afford more.
vet says people tie well loved dogs to the office and leave notes asking for good homes for them. they lose their jobs and don't want dogs killed. thus far he has been able to place them but another downturn could see death for many pets and fountains of grief from their families.
we are not well prepared, live in a rust belt city, don't own land so no permanent plantings, and very limited $$.
have some food put back and a bit of dog food but nothing like we need.
just praying for God to have mercy at least on His own.
however ,it is written that believers will continue to be persecuted. oh joy!
one thing, some fruit trees are thinking about budding as we get rafts of spring weather followed by days of subfreezing temps. worried that there will be only very expensive fruit this year if all the orchards are frozen by this odd weather.
classically, odd weather has been interpreted as a judgement from God. we are certainly overdue for judgement, but the rain falls on the wicked and the good alike.
sorry to dither and ramble, but change is in the air [isn't that what obama promised? change?] and it is nerve-wracking.
Deborah - I appreciate the offer but we're good. One more stray cat doesn't add much to the entire total overhead actually. I don't even bother to count the cats we have hanging around here anymore. Or the dogs either it seems. For some odd reason every dog in this part of the county seems to think this is their home away from home too. At any given time we usually have at least one extra visitor hanging around.
DeleteWe haven't seen any buds forming much yet. I hope we at least have a normal Spring so we don't lose the buds like we frequently do.
okay. thanks.
ReplyDeletewe have seen petrol go from £1.48 a litre to 99.8p in a year. for sure we are into descent now. constant growth is not obtainable. what we drag out of the earth or sea took millions of years and tonnes of pressure to build. it will eventually revert, where everyone flooded to the cities in the industrial revolution, everyone will go back to the land and be like the depression in the US where people went miles out to work where they could for what they could.
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs to be a polymath and multi skilled. So if your a Graphic Designer now, you also need to learn to make bread proficiently and to grow a garden. Some carpentry skills would also be worth it.... you get the idea.
I am lucky, my family farmed, if we had the land I would happily keep chickens and pigs. and if I had to sheep. If you have read some of my posts you will see I am a very reluctant Shepherdess. but each year I still help with lambing and when they want or need a break.
I have a feeling with all of this super warm weather we have had 17 oC right before christmas there were flowers opening on the apple trees, we now have it trying to snow. big fat wet blobs of snow. That with it freezing over night that unless we get a blossom again, we are out of luck concerning apples and probably the plums.
Strangely I have also seen sheep in sugar beet fields. I have to think this could only be due to the farmers fields being flooded and these were their only dry fields. there is probably only a weeks worth of grazing there. and then they will have eaten the tops completely... I suppose they will have to plough it back in and reseed and hope for the best. hard going all round.
This country couldnt feed itself in WW2. With all the new houses and the growth in the population there is no way we can feed ourselves. people dont think about this in general, a few whose blogs I read but the general population... I dont think so.
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