
Saturday, December 26, 2015

It Won't Be Long Now

The entire world must be entering the last stages of decline at this point. Dogs and cats sleeping together (well OK that's not new around the Small-Hold) sheep frolicking with wolves. That sort of thing. Next thing you know I will be talking about riding horses or something....

It really is that type of event.

My brother actually started asking me about firearms at the family Christmas get together Thursday night. In fact he actually has already bought some Glock model in 40SW. I know next to nothing about Glocks so that's about all I can tell you at this point. Of course he didn't ask me anything before he bought it because that would be admitting I know something he doesn't right out the gate. It wasn't until he was confronted with the actual price of ammo and the realm of hand loading information that he finally had to admit he needed advice.

My brother and I really have nothing in common except parents to be honest. Never have really. In fact we are almost solar opposites in about every way except being a smartass so you can see how that would work itself out in a bad direction. He is way more mechanically inclined than I am when it comes to engines and better at electronics and computers these days but couldn't shoot his way out of a paper bag, has never even field dressed a deer on his own (He did help with one my niece, his daughter, shot) and until he was about 30 years old I don't think he even spoke to a girl unless she was a hooker and grabbed him first. Oh ya and he was actually in the Navy too. He did get married eventually which is why I am so surprised he actually bought a firearm because not only has he never shown an interest before I couldn't believe his wife actually let him out of the house with his penis long enough to buy one.

Ya she is that bad from what I have seen.

All in all though my brother isn't a bad guy we just have always had different interests and he has always been much more competitive than I am about everything and would get a bit miffed when something came along that I just took to naturally and he didn't.

So I told him I would be happy to teach him how to reload his 40SW rounds. Even cast some of his bullets if he so wishes and he was really interested in me breaking out some of my other toys and going shooting with him too.

I just wish I was a good pistol shooter now though. LOL I knew I should have worked on that more.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. My condolences, Harry. Cannot relate as am an only child...which, the older I get thinking was a pretty good deal. At least your brother is coming around, which is a good thing. Maybe his wife will, too, someday. Hope springs eternal, eh?

  2. Tewshooz - Heh Wrong blog owner :) I actually attempt self sufficiency here not just buy and horde. I have never had a doubt my brother would come around when he had to I am just surprised he is doing so a bit earlier than the masses. He has always been a rather main stream sort of guy with modern day guy interests like sports and the big house, lawn care etc. Not your more rugged outdoor type really.

  3. Cherish your brother since he is probably the only one you've got. I wish now I had gotten along with mine better.

    Carl in the UP

    1. Carl - Oh we get along more or less. I don't hold a grudge against him and I don't like refuse to be around him or anything like that. My sister in law makes it a point of trying to make sure we spend as little time together as possible anyway. I think she feels my attitude towards relationships might rub off on him :)

  4. I would think a 357 would be easier to reload and less problem in the long run. I don't have one and mainly use a 22 most of the time, pistols are not much use around here, a good rifle and a 12 gauge are essential though.
    I don't have a brother but do have a perfect brother in law or so I am led to believe.

    1. Sf - Most 357's are large frame guns and my brother wanted a small frame one for Conceal carry I guess. He had some friend that has an FFL that he was going to buy from so he didn't need my input but knowing how to reload is a bit more tricky and not something a lot of even gun enthusiast really know. About as far as my brother gets into the country these days is if he is visiting me or my cousin he has no use for shotguns or rifles. He comes out here occasionally when he has rubbish or paving stones to get rid because he knows I always have some place I can gladly dump stuff like that. I been using his old paving stones in the mud gate this year :)

    2. Your reply made me laugh PP We see my brother-in-law when he has something to dump. Mind you we always seem to find a use for his "rubbish" and it is better than him dumping it by the roadside as other do.

    3. Frugal - Yep. Occasionally he comes by to see our mother since she lives with us but he almost always brings something he needs to dump when he does. I especially like his old paving stones. I always have a hole or ditch that needs filling somewhere.

  5. I have a hay customer who comes out with a 1911 strapped to his belt. It makes me really nervous. I know it won't go off but yet... I'm pretty sure the durn thing is loaded and people get struck by lightning and they do win the lottery and I have kind of bad luck.
    Now that I'm a groundskeeper I don't walk around my leafblower on my back nor do I carry a rake into Wallmart. I mean, really I could probably find some leaves to rake but most likely not.
    Not really sure what I'm saying cause I'm progun as all getout. The modern world really disturbs me. I think I was born in the wrong century...

    1. buddeshepherd - Having someone armed around me has never really made me nervous or anything, especially when it is holstered. I have met a few who waved firearms around that concerned me a bit :)

      I know I was born in the wrong time so I see your point there. Perhaps we were placed in this time because our sense of being out of time will be needed before our time is up....

      If you follow my meaning.

    2. The only time I get real nervous about a gun is when I see a young kid with one. There is a reason they don't get driving permits or many other things. I am not talking about a parent teaching how to shoot, it is when they are pretty much not supervised out hunting, I just don't want to be anywhere around. I read where Daniel Boone didn't get one until he was 12.

    3. AppEng - I can understand that. My brother and I used to do some stupid things with firearms when we were kids. Frog pigeon shooting was by far the funnest though.

  6. PP sounds like something clicked finally. I know the DC idiots time is coming to an end, but I don't trust him, Hillary, or any of the left wing moron's. I still am waiting for them to try and pull the wool over the eyes of the kool aid drinkers, and stay in power.

    1. Rob - I doubt even Obummer could swing his Femocrat supporters into allowing him another turn but who knows anything is possible. I was surprised when my brother mentioned getting a firearm. Must be bad if it is sinking into his outlook.

  7. Perhaps his thoughts are changing slowly as the world gets into more chaos, I have family and friends who's attitudes are changing and are starting to wake up to what is going on around them, better late than never I suppose :-)

    1. Dawn - Exactly. I just never thought he would wake up until he was slapped in the face by it.

  8. It's not my brothers who I am out of sync with, it is my children. All in their mid forties now, they are totally immersed in the modern day ways of life and would freak out if they new that my husband is just about to buy a pistol / rifle, (he can't decide which at the moment!)But perhaps, like your brother has, they will come round to our way of thinking.....

    1. Vera - My dad is kinda the same way except he likes guns and all the country life kinda stuff. He just thinks things will pick up again and be alright eventually.

  9. Well, the push to take guns away from people is stepping up. I used to listen to NPR in the car for the classical music, but now every time I turn it on it's something anti-gun. They can't do anything at the federal level so they're pushing for restrictions at the state level. They seem to think they are being quite successful at this, so it is only a matter of time.

    1. Leigh - Oh they will never stop. Even if they get their way this time they would just continue. Eventually they will get another weapons ban like they did with Clinton. I wonder what will happen the next time around though as I think people are more willing to openly resist now than they were back then.

  10. The 40 is an odd round for a pistol in that it is a large round (10mm) that they made less powerful, rather than the usual progression toward more powerful rounds (.38 to .357 for instance).

    I have a Glock 40, but I like my 10mm better. It is a lot easier these days to find ammo for the 40mm though. I am an o.k. shot, but I am assuming that under the stress of actually firing it at someone, that will go out the window. I have seen some folks note that people (mostly police) who are involved in competitive shooting, which adds a stress element to their target shooting/practice, seem to do well in real-life situations.


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