
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tractor Time - Double Trouble

I am off to Kansas today. Ought to be fun with all the early holiday traffic I imagine. Yesterday's daily post never updated to any other blogs roster at all that I could find. One of the most annoying aspects of using Blogger in my opinion is the inconsistent updating it seems to do. Some days a new post is listed in a minute, some days it never updates. Just no rhyme or reason to it that I can discover.

Oh well it doesn't seem to bother the tractor operators around here. Maybe they will get some work done while I am gone for a change?

As usual click for a larger image.


  1. I have noticed that about blogger too. Have fun in Kansas.
    Francie already had a friend... My other rescue horse that I have had for twenty years. I trained him too. He doesn't get ridden anymore though as he got Lyme disease a few years back and although we treated him it caused some permanent damage. So he is retired now. Hmmm maybe I do need another riding horses ;-)

    1. Lisa - Well I got three useless old nags and a gelding that has been ridden lately I would LOVE to find homes for but my Mother would scream. I am NOT very fond of horses mostly because of my mother and having to be raised around them. She was bound and determined one of us would be a horse person like her. All she managed to do was make us hate them and resent all the times we were forced to go on trail rides until we finally got old enough to put a stop to it.

      These days I have found nothing is more of a pain than a bored horse but we have kinda come to an understanding. They don't get in my way and I won't run over them with the tractor :)

  2. Some times I will go into my blog when it won't update and edit it which seems to re-post it but it doesn't seem to fix the delay problem just the not ever showing up one. This suddenly started happening so I think they are somehow holding them and running them through some monitoring software. I saw one guy say that his words had been changed when the thing finally posted.
    I hope you are going to give the tractor girls half a day off on Thanksgiving.

    1. Sf - I have done that edit thing and also will go and change the setting that posts the first sentence from short to custom and that works too. I actually think it has something to do with how often those blogs who are linked post new comments themselves as I have noticed when they post sometimes it will kick the links into gear. I also suspect it has something to do with how long it takes me to actually go from the new post click to publish as the longer it takes me to write the post the longer it sometimes takes to update to other blogs.

      I have noticed the worst blog about not updating on my own links list is yours as a matter of fact. I wonder if we blog the same like we do so many other things and it's something in the way we do it?

  3. I have the same problem with blogger as well. Sometimes no one sees I've updated, quite frustrating!

    1. Kev - Yes it is frustrating because the longer it shows the post as being up the less traffic you get and the less comments. See above for a couple of ideas and theories I been kicking around about the problem.

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