
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Two Working Tractors Once Again

Went to another auction today and picked up this old girl. Yes another 8N. This one is either a 51 or a 52 I haven't went and checked the serial number yet but she has the side mounted distributor. I guess she could also be a 50. Her paint is worn and she has a cancer spot in the front cover that's completely rusted through but she started up pretty easily once someone who knew something about her got on her and coaxed her into it.

That would have been me. I kinda wished I hadn't started her up though because that raised the value on her by a bit for everyone but I kinda had to know before bidding I guess.

The choke won't stay open, she floods easily as they left her sitting without shutting off the gas line/sentiment bowl and she was completely out of transmission fluid. Her hydraulic lifts are getting a bit tired too.

That's the bad things. The good things are someone just replaced the back rims with brand new ones. This is a huge plus. The lights all work (A new experience for me and old Ford tractors), she has brand new gauges including an after market tack and someone put a custom bumper on the front that can really take some punishment.

My plan is to use her until I get the 861 diesel up and running again and then re-sell her. I bought her and the brush hog for the whopping total of $960.00 so I can't go wrong unless something drastic breaks on her between now and then. I have seen 8N's go for $1800.00 or more that were in far far worse shape than this old gal let me tell you.

That Brush Hog is an old 60's model made in Springfield Missouri and is the heaviest brush hog I have seen in years. It even has a stump jumper under it. It never hurts to have an extra brush hog laying around either. For the price I gave for it I might cut one side out and use it for cutting weedy hay with. Or I might sell her with the tractor when the time comes who knows?

There were a couple of other things I would have bid on if the diesel was running right now. An old Hessen mower conditioner went for less than $300.00 I would have loved to have but she needed external hydraulics so I passed. Had I known for certain 100% the diesel would be back up by Spring I would have bid but there are still a lot of things that can go wrong with my plan.

Anyway I see my post hole digger going on this old girl once I get her tranny filled back up.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!


  1. Man you couldn't pass up that deal! just a little paint would bring the price up 600 bucks.
    That bumper looks like it is strong and the tractor girls won't have to get down to open your gates anymore, they will just pop them open with that bumper.

    1. Sf - Heh everyone around here complains about my gates. I am not the worlds best at hanging gates and all mine sag eventually. To me I am fine with lifting them up while opening and closing them but the girls always complain loudly about it.

      I am thinking about doing a bit of body work on her before reselling too.

  2. So how many tractors do you have now :-)

    1. DM - Well if you count the diesel with the thrown rod bearing waiting for repair I have three. That isn't unusual honestly I have owned three a couple of times this year and not written about it. I had a Ford 5000 and a Belarus 310 at different times this Spring and Summer and turned around and sold each of them. I been kinda reselling a lot of old tractors and implements to finance my own stuff for use here on the Small-Hold.

  3. Dan is fixing to do some work on our 861, but it's hard to find parts except those geared toward hobbyists. Seems old farm tractors are things to spiff up and use as collector's items around here.

    1. Leigh - What parts is he looking for? Perhaps I can make a few suggestions?

  4. PP,

    I see you've been shopping again :-)


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