
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Reading - Winter is Coming, Eventually

Yep it's pretty much that time of year again. Winter should almost be here although this year it seems to be dragging it's feet by a long margin. So far around the Small-Hold we have had no frost and we are still turning on the AC occasionally.

The grass is still growing although not enough to warrant a mowing. I could more than likely get another cutting off the front hay field if I wanted to but it wouldn't be a lot. Maybe another 12 or so bales total so I am thinking about just brush hogging it before I put the implements away for Winter.

The nights have been getting cooler. The sheep love the cold nights and are once again running when we open the gate into the main field of a morning. The yearlings do the traditional air flop and jump like a trout hooked and fighting the line. The ewes still frequently come back to the barn lot several times per day but not to nap in the shade or drink a gallon of water, they come back to tease the rams through the fence. Suddenly food is not the only driving force in their lives anymore.

The leaves are turning brown and blowing everywhere and the cats once again want to snuggle and curl up next to the humans at night. The dogs now nap in the yard looking for sun light instead of shade and the wild birds are no longer stealing every bit of wool, horsehair or grass they can find.

There have actually been a few days recently where the bees were not flying and getting into everything as well.

We also only have to fill the water buckets and troughs once a day again and there are now spider webs floating everywhere.

Weekend traffic now contain just as many trucks with firewood loaded on the back as trailers with zero turn mowers and you cannot find an ad for a used log splitter for sale anywhere.

Will it be a harsh, cold, wet Winter this year as most predict every year or a drier, warmer one?

So far it looks to be a drier, warmer one but I have been fooled by that often over the years. Best to keep preparing for the worst and hope for the best.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. we are gearing up for a long cold winter, they keep telling us that is whats coming, autumn is still fairly mild a bit unusual, I expect winter will arrive kicking and screaming and catch many people out as that seems the norm they will then blame the goverment for it it never ceases to amaze me :-)

  2. Particularly nice prose in this piece- mho.

  3. We were cold at the beginning of the month and now we are getting a short Indian summer and things would have kept growing if it hadn't got into the 20s back then.
    Started putting manure on the garden today, wheelbarrow of course, a little at a time, I should hook it behind the horse and let him fill it up all day.

  4. I still have a few things to get ready so I could do with it holding out a little longer. Hopefully get a new boiler and fit it in the next few weeks as we currently only have the wood burner for heat and if it drops cold it might be a struggle!

  5. Enjoy the climate. Be ready with all your things to welcome the climate!


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