
Friday, October 30, 2015

Our First Blue Egg

Had a very busy day around here today. I finished hauling dirt and old manure to the gateway and filling in the ruts. Then had to hang out around the barn waiting for the people who borrowed the log splitter to bring it back. While I was up there messing around a nice couple pulled into the drive way and asked if I would sell one of my 8N's.

So I sold them the one I just bought. Seriously. I even offered to deliver it to them because they couldn't figure out how to get it home. I have a date for Sunday to bring it to them.

Guess I need another tractor now. Maybe a Jubilee this time is I can find one.

I made a trip through the barn while I waited and found a light blue egg. Guess that means the easter egger hens are now laying or at least one of them is. Mrs. PP has been all smiles about it. She is even taking a picture of it now which I didn't do. I stole the picture you see up top but that array pretty much looks exactly like what appears to be our normal egg production each day now. From very light tan to medium and dark brown with a pale green and now the blue. Still no white speckled one though from the Hamburg hen.

I then collected up all the posts for the next fencing job and then got a call scheduling a trip to far Western Nebraska for Monday. Guess I won't get the posts dug until Tuesday at this rate.

Oh and Mrs. PP is making me take her out to dinner tonight.

Barely had time to stop and write this post!!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!


  1. Those are some pretty eggs PP. I get brown speckled ones from time to time, and even a couple double yoke ones occasionally....

    1. JuGM - I haven't seen a double yoke one yet but we got a few of those eggs without shells. We are only now coming into actual production. I thought for a while we had been sold non-producing hens.

  2. See...It pays to collect old tractors. I'm not so sure about that blue egg. You haven't seen any really large robins around the hen house have you?

    1. MV - That blue egg was actually a good sized one. I expected the Easter Eggers to lay smaller eggs but I guess I was wrong. Either that or one of the other hens is laying blue eggs now? Honestly I rarely if ever actually see the hens laying I have my hands full trying to find their favorite spots :)

  3. Wow you sold the 8N with out even trying! I don't see many jubilee but right many 600s or what ever they call them which are about the same style. lots of 8ns around here and fergusons.
    Enjoy those fresh eggs.

    1. Sf - Yep I sold the 8N and the brush hog right out of the yard. Itw as sitting out there and I was hooking up the trailer to go get the fence posts and they pulled in. They said they liked the fact I had matching tractors and they had been looking for an 8N.

      I see a very few Jubilees here from time to time but about as many 600 and 800's and 01 series as jubilees. Alot of 8N's, 9N's and 2N's though.

      We have too many eggs now. Need to find a couple of people to start buying some from us I guess.

  4. Anon - That's interesting the guy I bought her from told me they laid white eggs with black specs but well who knows? He had no reason to try and sell me a special type but the wife did mention it so maybe he lied to me? I will take your word for it but I haven't as yet found a white egg either although the really light tan one might count? Maybe? How big are the Hamburgs eggs usually?

  5. I did smile when I read about 'Mrs PP taking you out to dinner'. Not sure why I did, but I did. Thank you for giving me that smile, and hope you enjoyed the meal.

  6. What kind of chicken lays the nlue ones and the green ones?



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