
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tractor Time : On the Road Again

Off on another road trip for work today. Looks like a beautiful day for it and I am only a little behind around the Small-Hold so I won't feel too guilty.

Time to drive safe and above all....

Keeping my eyes on the road!!!


  1. Don't worry, those girls will take care of things while you are away They are probably out picking squash bugs right now.

    1. Sf - Heh I wish someone would. My squash varieties are just about done for now. I fear for my melons :(

  2. When you get back, look at Outback Tania's blog. She has pictures of honey bees getting nectar (or whatever it is bees get) out of exotic Australian flowers. I bet their honey tastes better than ours.

    1. Harry - That's pollen they are gathering. It is only used to help feed the brood not for the honey production. You can tell by the lumps of it on their legs. Nectar doesn't show up in a color like that.


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