
Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Camp of the Saints

If you have not read the translated version of this book I suggest you do so now. Don't wait you can google the title and find a link for a free online copy. Do it and do it tonight. The similarities between this book and the real life "migration" we are facing on our Southern border are eerily unsettling.

I have mentioned these similarities before off hand but have not sought to do a post about it because I wanted to see how things would develop. Mostly I have been waiting for eye witness reports written through comments and other blogs which I am sure are not infected by the Liberal illness of the Multi-Cult. The last couple of days I have been seeing some disturbing reports of exactly what it is that is pouring across our border and it has moved me to finally make this post.

In the book, Jean Raspail describes a mass exodus of Indians from Calcutta who are roused by a program aimed at bringing unwanted children from India to be raised and adopted in India. The influx of parents wishing to send their maimed, diseased, defected and unwanted children to Belgium overwhelms the Belgian consulate and the program is discontinued. The crowd of disappointed people then take it on themselves to migrate in mass to Europe.

They do not come to assimilate, they have no ideas or dreams of democracy, they only want to take "their share" of the bounty of the West. The land of milk and honey.

Helped along in the critical planning and massing of resources (like ships) by what the author terms "Fellow Travelers" are Whites who believe we should be of one world and that the Western countries should be forced to share with everyone. Sound familiar?

There are several of these fellow travelers as the migration sets out housed in many ships. I will simply say the last one of these facilitators is finally killed when the fleet reaches the Southern coast of France. Killed for no other reason then he is White I might add.

In the months it takes the fleet to arrive the fellow travelers of the West and France in particular are doing their best to prepare the country for the invasion. Chanting slogans we will all recognize today in so many words. They are just like us, it's for the children, we have oppressed them. You get the idea.

The end result is only a very few dare the hatred of public opinion to try and stop the tide. Those few, including one immigrant Indian man who knew what would happen when his countrymen landed, were eventually bombed and killed by their own air force.

The novel ends with White men scattered and living as a class of untouchables and the remaining White women declared public property and locked in brothels to "dispel the myth of the untouchable White female". The migration starts riots and attacks from all minority communities inside the Western countries and triggers other mass migrations across the globe.

Western civilization dies and with it the White race.

I am now seeing eye witness reports in comments and blogs saying that what the media calls a migration of children is actually made up of mostly (as much as 90%) teenage males. These are not children they are the first wave of an invasion and they have many "fellow travelers" waiting here to help them.

Obummer has two years left in office and I believe this is a final movement for what is to come and it will continue to spark other movements across the globe.

Seriously read the book and prepare for what is about to come or we can suffer the same fate as the West did in "The Camp of the Saints".

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. Hi..hope your getting ready for the Summer Polar Vortex. Last night I was listening to George Noory(no Im not a flying saucer person) but he had Frosty Woolridge on and he spoke about what what is happening and how it affect the US, it was really interesting.

  2. I have a thought for people when they say.. oh let them in. A lot of those kids are there with mothers, the mothers don't speak English nor do they have work skills, so they will be on welfare. How does a young woman who has children that has to go to work everyday to support them feel about letting someone women collect benefits while she sits at home??? Whats fair?

    1. VG - Interesting link. I think he gets it long term but I wonder how much the average politician really has control over the situation. They have passed legislation to secure the border but the Presidents always do an end run. I don't even buy the old big corporation excuse either because so many don't work once they get here.

      This is getting uglier and uglier.

      And yes the working stiffs are getting tired of it.

  3. That does sound like what we are experiencing. I saw a news show not long ago where a lesbian member of NOW was extolling the downfall of American society. She said that "they" (meaning the anglo saxon based society) only wanted to keep out the would be immigrants because "they" couldn't stand the fact that they were becoming a minority.

    She had her head so far in the clouds of her own mythology that there was no connection between the world as she saw it, and reality.

    Sounds like a book I should get. Maybe Amazon has it for Kindle.

    1. Harry - One of the only satisfying parts of the Book are what happens to the various "Fellow Travelers" who help the invading horde. Made up of Liberal type talking heads, lesbians prols that type. They are all killed, enslaved or used as brothel fodder in the end.

  4. Makes a world financial and political crash look good.

    1. Sf - Yes it does. Int he end though I do hope for less fracturing of things than the book implies. We will see if this scenario plays out.

  5. I downloaded the book this am. I will read it this weekend. Along the same line of thought, have you seen that Putin is touring Latin America and will stop in Cuba?? I would think he will meet (in Cuba) with the folks that are behind the mass invasion of Illegals. Seems funny that all of a sudden Russia wants to mend fences with Latin America.

    1. Rob - Never interrupt your rival when he is making a mistake and help him out whenever possible. Napoleon would be proud.

  6. I will find that one.. It is like Book 2 of the "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" series. The Entire southwest was given to the hispanics.
    Mark my words though there will be an uprising with the blacks, they are not happy with this mass migration. The hispanics are coming in taking the low paying jobs they have predominantly held. But it is their Boy who has caused this...

    1. JuGM - No it really isn't like the Bracken stuff at all. In fact at points it is rather hard to read the flowery-overly flowing writing. It is more centered on the individual views of various political figures and how that expresses itself in actions and wide scale societal opinions.

      The also isn't really a hero at all. A very few who try to stand up against the tide but they are all killed.


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