
Friday, July 4, 2014

Independence Day

Each year I wonder if we have celebrated our last Independence Day as a Nation. Over time I have certainly changed the way I and the family celebrate it to say the least. Long gone are the fireworks and store bought food for the BBQ. These days I try and make sure our first real harvest comes by the Fourth so we celebrate with a meal cooked entirely from our own food production on the Small-Hold.

This year it was Lamb chops, Green Beans, Zucchini and Tomatoes in sauce and some Strawberries for desert. No I didn't take a picture I rarely take pics of food.

The point is to us that is Independence of the most important kind.

While I still admire and remain grateful for the country my ancestors, the founders and many others since kept secure and safe and I stand in awe of ideas and inspirations such as the Constitution, Bill of Rights etc. I certainly believe all these fine people who contributed deserve to be remembered and celebrated but the Fourth of July is no longer I time of celebration for me personally.

Long ago I could resonate with the old quote "Ask not what your country can do for you..." Not so anymore. Truth is I never did ask nor kept score for decades but not expecting "something" is much different than living under the yoke of Multi-Cult tyranny and a lifetime of nothing but theft. Yes theft. Theft for the pet projects and social engineering endeavors of the left. Theft of my rights because I was a particular race and gender because the Left wanted my ability to benefit themselves. Theft for a government bloated beyond comprehension to give all their special classes of people benefits.

I have noticed many people do not see the theft as important. I have also noticed most who can ignore it are pretty short on assets themselves. They too will soon feel the effects of their ignorance as the numbers of invaders increase. Gone will be their cushy pensions, social security checks and medical care. Socialism only benefits the few and the herd hasn't been sufficiently culled yet. They will soon require an additional target class besides the one they have focused on for decades.

Once I celebrated Independence Day for the wealth and greatness of our country. Today I celebrate it only for what I have been able to achieve and hold onto despite our government but that is turning into something else as well. Soon I will celebrate it for the fact that I refuse to give another inch of anything. I can only hope that others are feeling as I do.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. We have had zucchini and also some green beans that we picked today. I had no desire to celebrate for several years now but today I started looking forward to celebrating a new independence day some day but it will probably be view as a disaster by many who suck on the government tit.

    1. Sf - Ya, when you break it all down where most of the government spending goes seems to be a surprise to most people. You can point it out but they never quite believe it and will deny it until the end.

  2. I think the current "Independence Day" should be a day of mourning, and I, too, have been thiking along the lines you have for your personal Independence Day. If the masses want to continue the facade of today's celebrations, let them, but I'd like our family to focus on OUR independence, from them.

    1. Carolyn - I kinda think most of them cerebrating still just don't understand or haven't really been hit with the effects too hard yet. It's pretty obvious though that the numbers who are being hit grow each year.

  3. Preppy, I think you're spot on - we have much the same attitude, here.

    1. RP - Exactly. I think that attitude is growing too.

  4. Rob - I m sure it will start with banning all fireworks.

  5. More like anything with black powder....


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