
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Progressives are Killing Honey Bees

I just got finished reading over the "Golfer in Chief's" memorandum to create a Federal Strategy to Promote the health of Honey Bees and other Pollinators.

I started chuckling before I was too far into it for several reasons but what caught me as the first and foremost example of complete foolishness and a total lack of ability to see things for how they are was this particular remark repeated many times in different forms throughout the memorandum.

strategies for developing affordable seed mixes, including native pollinator-friendly plants, for maintenance of honey bees and other pollinators, and guidelines for and evaluations of the effectiveness of using pollinator-friendly seed mixes for restoration and reclamation projects;

The line about "Native Seed Mixes" get's me every time.

While the memorandum did specifically break apart Honey Bees from Native Bees they seem unable or unwilling to put two and two together here. There is a reason Honey Bees do not often forage on the so called Native Plants and I suspect it is also why there were no Honey Bees in North America until the Europeans brought them here. European Honey Bees require much larger amounts of higher nectar producing plants than their so called Native Bee cousins and other pollinators do. Their hives or colonies are much larger and their life cycles geared towards times of huge surpluses and storage followed by months of nothing.

Think about that and let it sink in. What other cultures lived their lives this way planning for Winter and stocking up?

Simply put there is no way a Honey Bee population can be maintained on so called native plant species alone. Yes there are many "Native" plants that Honey Bees do work, mostly trees varieties come to my mind first, but these plants don't usually produce nectar and pollen for the entire growing season.  Most of them are useful for only a few weeks and then the bees move on. In fact many of these tree varieties are introduced species as well.

Off the top of my head and my years of observations I can think of only one "native" specie of plant that Honey Bees work feverishly (around here) and that would be Goldenrod. There are a few others, namely Eastern Redbud, some wild fruits and I have seen Bees work Chicory from time to time, perhaps a Sunflower variety as well. Still the bread and butter for honey production in my opinion are the various introduced clovers. As far as I know most all clovers with high enough nectar production and (This is really important) flowers shallow enough to be reached by Honey Bee tongues, were imported into North America.

In other parts of the country some other introduced specie is the mainstay of Honey production and the survival of the hive.

This is just another example of the Left's inability to admit that yet another major aspect of life is directly attached to, because of, and spawned from European origin. Honey Bees require Western agriculture. Certainly there are Honey Bees kept in other parts of the world but nothing that comes even close to the symbiotic relationship Honey Bees and Western agriculture share. While I will be the first to point out that modern day changes in agriculture and  Honey Bee management is proving deadly to the bees, trying to "weed out" what they call non-native plant species will certainly be detrimental as well. Why the very acts of land grabbing and the creation of wilderness areas our leftist government rejoices in is hurting Honey Bee populations as much as anything else if you get right down to it. Honey Bees, originally from Europe, need Europeans as much as humans worldwide need Bees to keep them fed. Without European agriculture the world starves and without European Honey Bees that agriculture dies.

What is killing our bees? Why the very Socialist attitudes our government is pushing honestly. Native this, wilderness that, killing off small farms and rural life as a direct attack against White America. Forcing agenda 21-like regulations on us that promote commercial large scale farming over small scale family owned farms. You get the idea.

The truth is if you destroy White, Christian, Rural America you will destroy the Honey Bees but those who hate us will never admit or acknowledge it.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. The government is paying farmers to use chemicals and plants that are weakening the bees, European governments have banned most of what our government is pushing. It is such a joke that they pretend to work on saving the bees, they are going to do to the bees what they have done to our country.

    1. Sf - Yep. You cannot have a functioning bee and pollinator population and remove people from the rural areas. It just won't work. They are going to have to decide which they want more I guess food or total control.

  2. wow. just wow. the only other thing i could say is that cook and langstroth would be proud of your honey bee "insights".

    your friend,
    (i'm not even going to mention the fact that i didn't call you wiener in this post ---- that's how good this post is!!!!)
    (oh and when you say western - are you going all crazy and saying that white folk have had an amazing relationship with honey bees since the beginning of white folk? it almost sounds racist. almost!)

    1. kymber - I am glad you didn't call me a wiener because then I would have to mention that Trench warmer thing :)

      Thank you for the kind words as well.

      Many would call it racist but that's just the way it is. There are of course bees in other cultures certainly but they do not have the same interaction and those bees typically do not store as much honey overall or pollinate as well.

  3. Once the "Government" gets involved everything seems to cost more because they realized they can tax everything.

    1. Rob - Yep. Government is just bad all around unless you happen to be the one group they are promoting anyway.

  4. Thank Monsanto for honeybee decline. Everyone...if you are able, learn about bee keeping and invest in a hive or two of your own. That is how we are going to keep them alive

    1. Tewshooz - Monsanto has done it's damage certainly. I don't think it is all because of them however. Modern day bee keeping practices in the big commercial ventures are not beneficial to the bees either. The governments war on rural Americans also has an effect as it destroys the agricultural diversity you find in smaller agriculture and more fence rows etc. Basically agenda 21 like initiatives will not help the Honey Bees in the long run.

  5. For some reason that makes me think of this:


    1. Brawndo lol...

      What are electrolytes do you even know?


  6. Well, if we go down the drain, so will the rest of the world. There's some satisfaction in that.

    1. Harry - I have always been of the school of thought that things would pretty much fall apart before we go down the drain to extinction. Only surpluses can maintain government and such at the levels they have today and they are eating away at their own share as we speak.

      It's a theory anyway.

  7. "strategies for developing affordable seed mixes"==sounds like Obamacare for bees.

    1. VG - Exactly. A lot of big words and no thought as to the end results.


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