
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tractor Time : To Answer Kymber's Question...

And the answer is.... Who needs the Internet? Even after having her all this time I still think my girl has a nice rear end even when just working around in the raised beds :)

The tractor could use some new paint though....


  1. Looking good, your best tractor picture, The raised beds look good with all those wood chips.

    1. Sf - The wood chips do keep the grass down and make the walkways look good but the damned bindweed/morning glory and crab grass will still grow up through it even though it is four inches or more thick. It is also a huge, and I mean HUGE, mole magnet when the hot dry Summer comes.

  2. You are going to be in a world of trouble!

    1. Nah she acted embarrassed and indignant for a bit but she was laughing about it too.

      All women like to know they are appreciated in any way and every way :)

  3. Yeah you've done well for yourself. But is there any way we can get a closeup of the lugs on that rear wheel?

    Damn I hope you have a big doghouse.

    1. Heh. That was as much of a close up I dared to post. She still gets cat calls when she is working the yard at our in town house from the local teenagers.

      She will prolly be embarrassed that I mentioned that though.

  4. Your wife probably won't mind. It's good you still appreciate her being attractive.

    My mom sent my wife a $100 Walmart gift card to buy something for a treat. She showed it to me, and I said "give me that, I'll buy ammo with it."

    She regarded me for a minute and then said 'you are so funny." Then she put the card in her purse. >:-0

    1. Harry - I hear ya the wife would never allow her money to be spent on ammo. OMG!!!

  5. You are a thrill seeker by posting her photo. big evil grin.

    1. Rob - Well she was giving me some crap about the girly tractor pictures so.....

  6. i think it's really sweet that you would put up a pic of her and she is looking really good so i am sure that she won't mind. i like seeing women and tractors but i like to see the women working - not lounging on the tractors! you're wife is very attractive and i am glad that you are aware of that! plus - she's working! did she plant the lupins yet?

    much love to you and yours, ya wiener! bahahahaha! your friend,

  7. PP,
    Oh it's a wife picture (hello to your wife), and not one of those internet scantily clad dressed women.

    Love the old tractor too!!!


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