
Friday, April 11, 2014

The Nevada Stand Off - More War Against Rural America

As I have said many times and even write a bit of fiction about from time to time, what we are seeing now in Nevada with Federal Government over reach really boils down to the problems of Mob Rule Democracy plain and simple. The misguided imaginations of loud mouthed Liberals hundreds and even thousands of miles away from ground zero effecting the way things are done on a local level.

It isn't really new. This kinda thing goes back to way before the Sagebrush rebellion or even to before the Grazing Service and General Land Office formed into the BLM back in the 1940's.

OK. Well it does and it doesn't. It is a matter that comes and goes I guess is more appropriate to say. It almost always comes to a head anymore whenever there is a Democrat President although don't think for a minute I am giving Republican Presidents a pass. As far as I know only Reagan attempted to defang the BLM.

For generations the Liberals in whatever flavor they come in have been bad mouthing the large open range ranchers. These enviro-freaks would love to fence off every bit of land they can find and keep all humans who do not share their views out. That would mean pretty much all humans because the ones that share their views rarely go out of sight of a parking lot. These freaks are the animal rights arm of the multi-cult and quite simply like most arid dwelling rodent scum they hate themselves as much as anyone that looks like them.

There's a large segment of Urban Horse lovers that think all the cattle should be removed so the cute ponies can live free like unicorns out there as well.

The reality of the situation is that the land as it is requires the type of management it was set up for over a century ago in order to produce the Beef we Americans consume in larger amounts than any population in history. Even if you think we should scale back eating beef honestly there isn't much else you can do with that land.

While the Liberals will condemn the ranchers as "BIG Landowners" and make movies about how they mistreat everyone, these families have been improving the land out there with their own money for generations and were recruited to move out there under the promise that the grazing rights and allotments were transferable. Back then the government couldn't just hand any one person a land grant that would end up being larger than some Eastern States, but they could set up huge allotments that were shared for the purpose of grazing the cattle needed to feed a Nation.

Let that sink in. That is the way the land has to be used in that particular section of this Earth or really it is of no value what-so-ever.

Now there maybe a million other things going on here besides Enviro-Freak political pressure. Maybe there is a uranium vein or they want to lease some of that land to whatever company.  The point is that land is state property not Federal property and should be managed by the State. It was never designed for public use and as long as the ranchers had a say in how the land was managed there was never an issue.

These days however rural land owners represent the ultimate enemy of the Multi-Cult Feminist and the Golfer in Chief is going to put the screws down on this enemy in every way possible. As long as we allow activist judges and voters from other areas to pressure the Federal government to act against local reality these things will continue. Eventually I believe this will lead to a break up of our country due to sheer survival but many disagree with me.

Regardless this is an important moment for rural America and a fight worth getting into if you can. No I am not going out there simply because I cannot afford to travel that far right now, but if someone nearby me wants to offer me a ride get a hold of me and maybe we can work something out. To those who are out there or are going to go my hat is off to you. Good job.

If things go hot perhaps there are actions those of us who cannot travel out there can undertake or perhaps a support network will be set up. If nothing else all of us in the rural/prepper community should be supporting the efforts out in Nevada because frankly we may be next and even if we aren't next we are somewhere on the list.

Keep Prepping Everyone


  1. The federal govt. is harassing the land owners along the Blueridge Parkway until they sell the land to the government. All kinds of regulations to limit what the farms and timber owners can do on their own land which just happens to be in view of a two lane road through the mountains. The whole mountain area of the state is becoming a federal park that the people can't use.

    1. And soon enough you won't even be able to travel on the parkway. That will be the end result. Didn't it get shut down during last years phony government shutdown?

    2. I am expecting them to try and do something here and say it's because of the Prairie Chicken. They already tried with the Gray Bat but that didn't get them as far as they hoped.

  2. What's starting to become disturbing to me, here, is the split I see in the conservative party on this particular issue.

    I'm seeing, you have also PP, the side that thinks yeah the .gov is wrong in all this, but also Bundy is wrong for not paying "his fair share" or not paying his taxes.

    I'm certainly not talking about Mohave rat's ass here, I'm talking about people that are typically on our side on any other matter. This is tyranny pure and simple going on here.

    1. Matt - Well your gonna get that. Many a Conservative sides with enviro-freaks and Libtards at some point. For instance I side firmly with them on Nuclear plants while many side Liberals on public pensions :)

      But I agree it is tyranny...

    2. Heh I guess you might get that somewhere along the way.

  3. Bundy's fees or the lack of them are not the issue. This is about control of the land by the government, pure and simple. They want a gate with lock and key from which they alone grant access. I all in with you PP. Spread the word. And, Ray, you nailed it.

    1. Stephen - Yes it is from one side of the coin. But they get their power or more precisely their feeling of justification from people who know nothing about the situation and live no where near where it is going on.

  4. It's all about money, as usual. Has nothing to do with preservation. I think this is the beginning of the real resistance movement.

    1. RW - I agree with you but the money factor is only one side of the situation. Many of those out there who support what the government is doing support it for what they think is some humanitarian issue. It's misguided but that's the problem we have destroyed the Republic so much that misguided people can effect things they shouldn't have a say in.

  5. Not only control of the land, but control of your food/water and where you are allowed to live but the people who live in the overcrowded cities are too blinded to realize they are being useful idiots to get the deed done.

    1. Hobo - Yep eventually they want to get rid of all rural dwellers and force us into the cities. All while redistributing what we have.

  6. I agree with what everyone is saying, its the Feds trying to control everything we do.. The Feds believe that we are easier to control in a smaller area. Once again it just takes one liberal blogger to piss anyone of us off.

    1. Rob - Sure they do. But the Fed still has to have some segment of the population that supports their efforts.

  7. The pretext, doesn't hold water with what we now know about desertification.

    I realize that is not what this is about. But still, it's worth pointing out that without the free range cattle, the whatever tortoise will not have a habitat that it can survive in.


    1. Dan - Interesting. I honestly think more of the enviro-freaks are more concerned with the unicorns.... I mean mustangs being able to run free than any turtle. But that's just me.

  8. I think we might see a rebirth of the sagebrush rebellion. I think the PTBs are starting to lose control and they are looking to smack down or use the "patriot movement' to install martial law.

    A few of the Rino's here in Idaho are starting to get nervous about losing primaries to those Libertarian and Tea Party types and are starting to pass laws for citizens and states rights.


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