
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Been A Long Day Again

I been out working all day today and not on anything exciting either. I moved a couple dozen wheel barrows full of wood chips until I was so bored I wanted to vomit then switched to getting my shop back into some form of order. Let me tell you it was, and still is a mess, although compared to what it looked like it appears orderly now. I put up a new shelf and fixed a cabinet drawer that was sagging and making it impossible to open without also opening the drawer below it.

What is it about cats and open doors on sheds and storage areas? It's like whenever I open a door to an area they can't go into all the time they come from every hidden hole on the place to investigate. It took me an hour to run em all out of the shop this evening so I could close it up. At one point the barn cat who showed up last Winter was on the very top shelf and attempting to climb into the exposed ceiling insulation. Why? I have no clue but of course she pulled it down and I had to climb up there and re-staple it to the rafter.

Last night's frost doesn't appear to have done much damage to the various blooms around the place or any other plants either. The Dandelions were all out in greater numbers than ever this morning and nothing appeared to be wilting. Honestly I don't think it got down to the 25 degrees they were predicting because I was up until 3AM trying to take a picture of the Blood Moon (and failing) and it still showed 30 degrees then. By 7AM when I got up the temp was showing 32 with the sun shining clear so although we got a frost it wasn't as severe as they thought.

It was still a pretty cool day but the sun eventually won against the cold wind blowing in and the bees were out hitting the blooms.

To date only four of the ewes have lambed, including the one still born, so we are still sitting at seven new babies. The other 10 ewes are huge however I was convinced one of them was going to give birth last night but they didn't. They all look really uncomfortable though. Man I am glad I am a guy :)

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. PP,
    Good to hear your blooms and plants survived the cold.
    Cats are just plain nosey, they love to get into everything.

    1. Sandy - Ya the problem is they get trapped lol then I have to walk around to listen if I hear em meowing to let them out.

  2. Those cats are probably looking for places to have kittens so that soon you will have 150 cats!
    It is 28 this morning and supposed to be around that for 2 more nights. I need to bring more wheelbarrow loads of wood down to the furnace room/man cave. I have seen dandelions in the coldest part of winter, they are lions for sure.

    1. Sf - Nope not these cats. Every cat on this place is fixed. We spent a good amount of bucks doing that even with discount vouchers from local vets. I haven't noticed any new ones in over a year now so hopefully that problem will cease.

  3. All cats are nosey- mine is the same way..can't open a door without him trying to go through it. Once we opened the linen closet door and there he was perched on a shelf sleeping on a stack of towels.

    Want some cheap entertainment? put tape on a cats paws, drives them wonky

    1. JuGM - LOL we used to do that when we were teenagers. It is funny.

      As I was tellign Sandy I have to walk around every afternoon/evening and check every place I been in to make sure no one is trapped in there.

      They look at me like "WTF Slave".

  4. We have three they can't go into two of our three bedrooms, so when they can they do check things out. Cats love high places. As you know we are getting snow at lest 2 or 3 so far. Common summer Daddy needs to wax the car!!


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