Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
This is Hitting a Bit Close to Home
Government Helicopters are scheduled to fly over three Missouri counties starting on the 24th to take what they call deep underground pictures in search of precious metals?
Government Helicopters to fly around St. Louis Looking for Precious Metals (video)
The flights will start February 24 and will scour the countryside in three counties to the west of St. Louis; Franklin, Washington, and Crawford Counties.
The US Geological Survey will be using sensitive hi-tech equipment to look deep in the ground for precious minerals but some residents in the area of these over-flights are suspicious.
That's kinda getting a bit too close to home for my taste. The three counties they mention (which I circled) are not really what I would consider St. Louis either for that matter. I guess Franklin has some sprawl from St. Louis but Crawford and Washington counties are pretty rural yet. The Southwest corner of Crawford is at least 120 miles from St. Louis I would guess anyway.
Then there is this rock penetrating picture technology?
Something is awful fishy about this I would say. Not much the residents can do about it I guess but I am not buying the story line. From what I remember of those areas they are hilly but the real mining type geology starts a bit further to the South. There are some wild streams through the area, rugged wooded hills, Rolla and the mining/engineering school and Ft. Leonard Wood. Mostly though it's just small farms, Summer camping sites and small towns suffering from the death of the textile industry in America.
A sizable number of grain bins and small (by some measure) corn and bean fields.
The lead mines started maybe in the Southern reaches of these counties and there more than likely were a few coal deposits in the area but I cannot imagine many precious metal deposits making it into this day and age undiscovered.
The sensors will also look for the possibility of rare earth metals that are used in smartphones, lasers and flat screen TVs. Political and military leaders are nervous that China controls most of the world’s production of them. But who will make money from the metals that might be found.
Go look at my post from yesterday and then think through what would happen to any Small-Holder if the government finds precious or rare metal deposits on their land.
Dangers everywhere it seems.
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!
I am safe unless mud and manure become valuable. All of the aircraft is high maintenance and they will eventually have trouble keeping it in the air.
ReplyDeleteSeems strange, I suspect they are looking for something else.
SF - As always you and I see it the same way. This is part of the race for survival. How long can they keep those things flying and the police state going on debt and FIAT currency.
DeleteCan we outlast them?
Being a property owner in Iron County, that kind'a creeps me out. Last I looked, Iron & Reynolds Counties were the poorest in the State. There is basically nothing around where we're at, I know there used to be lead mining / smelting. So exactly what ARE they looking for? And if there WERE precious metals to be found, you wann'a bet that they'd be claiming eminent domain over thousands and thousands of acres of land. And, just about ALL the mineral rights in Iron county (at least) were claimed years & years ago by a now defunct company. That was one of the almost-hangups we had when purchasing the property. Will this defunct company suddently be "alive", but uncle sam running it and therefore claiming rights to your land?!
ReplyDeleteOr is this just a test run for something more sinister in an underpopulated area where the poor citizens won't be able to fight back? Thanks for the heads up, I'll be looking for info on it and if you have any links, I'd appreciate it.
Carolyn - You're in Iron county? Nice I love that county and ya these surveys are a bit closer to you than me. I at least have a county separating me from them. You are also pretty much in the heart or at least in the real start of the lead belt.
DeleteI would be concerned if I was you. If you need to pull an Alamo/ Ruby Ridge damnit just let me know I will be there.
Seriously though I will and let's watch this closely.
That is very strange.....Makes you wonder if the US really has that type of technology or is it a coverup for something else?
ReplyDeleteNo one in the northern end of our county has mineral rights. It is on our deeds. One family in the early 1900's owned most all the property in this area and as it was sold off they retained the mineral rights. Every 8 or so years everyone who owns property here gets a certified letter, a certified copy of the original deed and a copy of our deed from a lawyer up north representing the heirs. The letter just reinstates the heirs rights to any minerals found on the property. I don't expect any minerals to be found here but the letter always states what percentage we would be compensated. I bet lawyer fees , certified copies of all the deeds and the price of registered mail to all of the property owners here over the years has cost the family a pretty penny. I have often wondered what the original owner of all the land may have known.... if anything.
MB - Interesting. Ya know I have no idea about our mineral rights on this place. I mean I never thought about it because you would need to strip mine the entire place just to find a rock that wasn't an import and I doubt you would find more than 1 or 2 of those.
DeleteInteresting now ya got me thinking.
P.P. They are looking for that illegal honey stash of the Missouri Honey Bee Rebels. big grin.
ReplyDeleteMaybe its this "new" math, but this doesn't add up.
Rob - It wouldn't surprise me. Anything they can tax.
DeleteReach into your BOB and grab that little silver plastic wrapped bundle. Inside you find a thingy called a Space Blanket. Unwrap, carefully, fold to full length, and wrap it completely around your body. It'll hide you. You, are the gold and silver and other precious metals. It's either you or it's their way of tracking down your herb farm,.....I'd recommend a good goose gun and number two copper shot. Remember to lead your target.
ReplyDeleteStephen - Once Long ago after I got out of the Army and did my reserve stint we actually went out with some MoHP guys looking for pot fields. As we flew over what looked to me like a well hidden artillery battery one of the HP observers kept asking what we were looking at. This was 20 years ago before the cops started catching on but I recognized it right off as Army camo netting. I never said anything because even then I didn't like cops but soon after they figured it out on their own.
DeleteYeah that is getting a bit too close to home there, considering Crawford County is right next door to me.
ReplyDeleteHi ya JR. I linked to your blog. I make it a point to link to every Missouri blog that isn't just used as an anon facebook light page.
DeleteAnd yes we should be concerned. Keep us advised if anything comes up your way.
Your remarks about Franklin County are accurate - I lived there from '66 through '96, and the eastern half is a "bedroom" to the metro area. The western half is still rural.
ReplyDeleteAs for what the choppers are seeking, who cares? Lots of deer hunters in that part of the state. Just sayin' the may find ahemmetals they're not looking for.
RP - I know the Nat guard and MoHP choppers take some potshots every now and then. I don't think there are many hunters out right now though :(
DeleteAerial surveys allow the government to better assess what natural resources are on/under your land. this now allows a more "accurate" assessment of your property value and thus your "new" property taxes. Of course, if you can no longer afford your new taxes, someone will gladly offer to buy you out at a "competitive" price.
ReplyDeleteAnon - Yep. It's all part of their war on rural America and greed. It's a war of attrition right now. Stamina and self sufficiency are the weapons we have atm. We must out last the beast.
Deleteumm, bunker complex? caches?
ReplyDeleteRR - I wonder how those will show up. I do wonder.
DeleteIf they can detect ores from a helicopter, I wonder how hard it would be to find pvc tubes filled with guns and ammo?
ReplyDeleteHarry - Exactly. I have been thinking on that long and hard.
DeleteSubterranean pot growing caverns is the real reason for the flights. Precious metals is a real stretch. In my neck of the woods you can find all sorts of plugs removed from rock outcroppings where the USGS took samples. I'm sure they're stored somewhere to reference.
ReplyDeleteK - Well ya. I mean I really would have thought any precious metals would have been ID'd a very long time ago. Unless it is so deep it would take an act of God to get to it.