Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Mentally Preparing for the Resource Wars
While most of us have been dealing with the cold, ice and snow this Winter the first real hot spots of the Resource Wars have been breaking out in earnest. Of course the first few salvos can take on many forms and have many underlying reasons whether it be race, financial, class, gender in the end they all come to a head because of a lack of resources to deal with them in any other way.
This has always been the common denominator of our time and increasingly will be more and more evident as things progress.
Globally we see it quite plainly in the moves of Nations. China has been prepping for years and growing their military strength. Japan is now growing their military as well. Why even Spain and Turkey are now building an aircraft carrier? Argentina is suffering a cornucopia of financial and social problems as they become a net energy importer. We have all seen and I wrote about the issues in the rest of the world's emerging markets as capital flees. Riots in the Ukraine, Well everywhere no need to rehash them all.
What we don't immediately notice as resource problems are those happening in the Nations crippled by the Liberal Multi-Cult sickness. It isn't nearly as easy to look at a Sheriff's department in Florida fielding almost two entire platoons worth of deputies to try and quell a riot of "youths" (and losing I might add) and seeing it as resource driven as it is to look at military posturing in the China sea over an island.
Indeed politically maneuvers have been going on for decades in preparation for the resource wars. Made up disasters, regulations, grooming the emotions of the peasants into victim identification. It's all there and it's going to slam the Nations of the West the hardest from controlling water in Kalifornia to, as we saw yesterday, finding resources on private property in Missouri.
We are all squabbling over the shrinking pie and before this is over nothing will look the same. Old unions will be shattered, new allies will form, states will dissolve, contracts will be broken. Friends will turn on each other even brother on brother as the lack of resources are felt. Some divisions are easy to see at first because of race, geographical location or some other demographic. Some will be much harder.
The above is a good chart that clearly shows the government parasite is killing the host there simply are not enough resources to support that much government anymore. Yet can you identify the parasites while walking down the street? Can we in fact actually call them parasites individually when they are our friends and family members, our wives and husbands or even ourselves in one way or another? Collectively you cannot deny the facts that the government is killing the private sector and sucking the very life out of it more and more as the resources dwindle but we cannot fight it and remove the parasite without hurting either ourselves or someone close to us in the process.
A dilemma that is going to cause a lot of anger and enemies to form before it is over I assure you because very few of us are untouched in some way by both columns of that chart. Some more than others.
That is simply one example of the many blurred lines that navigate through the Resource Wars, especially in the Western Nations. There are many many more where that came from.
What are we going to do? We are going to continue living in a mixed up world of constantly shifting and contradictory emotions, attitudes and endeavors. On one hand we will work for our day to day survival condemning moves that directly effect us while supporting those same moves against others. We will gladly accept welfare (whatever form it takes) in one area while claiming it is unjust in another. This will go on until we have all been separated into our base tribes and all the old covenants have been shattered.
Make no mistake the entire system is unsustainable and things will have to give. As one self interest is removed from the mix it will change the entire demographic once again and those who were once enemies will then suddenly find themselves aligned and friends once again on the next issue.
Before this is over what we see as solid dividing lines today will be laughed at as unimportant tomorrow. Ultimately as many have said it will become local but by the time we get there what you call local maybe very different from where you are today and the allies you end up with maybe your bitter enemy at the start. This thing will transcend all social constructs before it is over and it is best to recognize that at the start.
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!
You make very good points here. Food for thought.
ReplyDeleteThank you RP That is my goal to make people think about these things.
DeleteGood one I do think of these things.
ReplyDeleteSTRV - Good for you!!! I am afraid way to many of us don't though.
DeleteI can't disagree with any of your good points. Good post. These issues are concerns.
ReplyDeleteJoV - Thank you!!!
DeleteWe have been breeding consumers for decades and there will be a shortage of workers even while being overpopulated.
ReplyDeleteSF - There will be a shortage of workers until there is a shortage of checks coming in from daddy government. Then we maybe surprised.
DeleteSo very true; a customer of ours, who claims to be far right, won't even say Obama's name, just signed up for a discount on his healthcare through the .gov site. He claims one thing, but is OK giving up his information/convictions/freedom to save a few bucks. As things get tougher, I believe the lines crossed won't appear so black and white, they'll fade to gray for most.
ReplyDeleteIzzy - the numbers of those claiming to be far right or pro-small government but yet are dependent on the government are staggering. Of course we need to remember so many of them really had no choice and they can see it's a problem but are trapped.
DeleteMy guess is that as things are discarded and the traps disappear so will the double standards so to speak.
The only way to make the sick animal die is to bleed it to death.The leviathan is to big to brought down with one blow. Any freedom lover should now be claiming every benefit, tax advantage available whilst minimising their income available to the government. Do not become reliant on that money though, expand your preps with it or give it to charity.
DeleteThe muslims have deliberate policy of this in western countries, so they may effect change as they get stronger.
You should be ahead of that curve while your numbers still outweigh them.
Anon - I have many times said, and any regular reader can back me up here, that we should get all we can get before this is over. I agree with that. What I will disagree with are those who try to get all they can get a bit longer by attempting to lend their support to the government to take from others sot hey can get theirs.
DeleteThat I will never abide.
I think Cali wants to try for other western water sources like they did back in 78 and guess who was the govenor of Cali at that time? Yes, good ole Moonbeam himself.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is that all of the western states are in drought conditions so there is no "extra" water to give California west of the Rockies.
I would not be surprised to see the "Sagebrush rebellion" start up again if the Feds try to declare Cali is more important than other western states
MASR - I bet you are right and they also want to control who gets the water inside their own border. Many Californians have mentioned this drought thing is BS so something else is certainly up with it.
DeleteI want your stuff. Give it to me.
ReplyDeleteI knew you were a traitor!!!
DeleteI always wanted to use that line from "Willow"
The Germans, scary as they were, got a lot of mileage from their alternate energy sources. And the Chinese will pay a premium for the right sources. But we want to cut alternate fuel sources, and export our oil. Both of which will lower the energy costs short term, maybe get some people reelected, but it is a little scary to think of what might happen down the road. Most apocalyptic scenarios have the rest of the globe going down with us, or occasionally we are invaded. But not to many like to think that the rest of the world might just shrug and carry on without us.
ReplyDeleteRuss - I am of the opinion that the rest of the world will begin to fall before we do because in so many cases they are where our problems are going to manifest. I could be wrong though.