
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Digging Out

It finally stopped snowing and the sun is even shining but the temps have already fallen to 10 degrees and are suppose to continue dropping to a -7 low. I doubt I will be able to get the tractor started with such low temps which will severely hamper the digging out process this afternoon.

I guess we will see.

I will catch up with comments and everyone's blogs when I return. The plan is to make the rounds doing what I can here then heading to my dad's and on into town for the property we own there.

Gonna be a cold afternoon I suspect.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Man! Let's hope they are wrong on the low temperatures. It is still warm (compared to you) here with the sun out. I have a low fire going to keep the system hot but don't really need it. Working on getting my art studio set up, I needed a day that I could keep the door open to scoop the dirt out of the cellar from previous flooding. Take some breaks!

    1. SF - I doubt they are wrong. It's already 9 degrees out since the sun dropped. This cold has been something this year.

  2. PP,

    Dress warm, be safe on the roads, and don't run anyone over :-)

    1. Sandy - I will run any democrat I see over and pretend I had no clue :)

    2. Okay, I will change my comment to run all democrats over, lol.


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