
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Still Getting Worse

Yesterday was the second day of escalation around the world. Even as things warm up into the balmy 40's here at the Small-Hold I have to wonder if this weekend is going to be enough to cool the fires burning around the world.

Here in the US investors and fund managers are going to be experiencing even more sleepless nights than I did during this latest cold snap as stocks fell again on Friday. More companies, this time Intel was at the forefront, announced more layoffs and job cutting. Other retail outlets are admitting to a dismal holiday season despite continued efforts to proclaim overall sales were up by the usual cheerleaders.

Baltic dry shipping index is down so far they are seeing the underwater hulks of last century's ships resting on the bottom of the ocean and the rumors of default and bank runs in China are proving to be true.

Riots continue in the Ukraine and I been watching the footage and live feeds from there. Those rioters are not playing around. Of course the police squads don't seem to be armed with drones and MRAPS vehicles there either, the rioters actually seem to have the edge in heavy equipment so far. I wonder if that is going to change?

Interesting times my friends.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. They keep saying how good things are on TV, well they are if you are a government employee with a safe job and still getting pay increases that are funded by people who are not getting pay increases and may lose their job. Sams Club just laid off another round of people and I am seeing shortages of the cheap items in the grocery store. Plenty of high priced items but the low price stuff is being bought up as there must be a large demand for it.

  2. "Baltic dry shipping index is down so far they are seeing the underwater hulks of last century's ships resting on the bottom of the ocean and the rumors of default and bank runs in China are proving to be true." - This is saddest yet funniest description I have heard about the state of things in a long time.

    I have a sense - and I have nothing more to point to than a sense at this moment - that we are walking on the top of cooled lava, which is seemingly firm yet fragile with the raging torrents of molten rock just beneath our feet.

  3. The ukraine is like albania. Almost every male has had military training. The armouries are full of AKs and doubtless they have many hidden away. Given the fractured ethnic make up of the population a Bosnia part two is a very real possibility.
    Good quip on the BDI, I may quote that if you don't mind.

  4. I was at Walmart today. I have two shopping lists, one for things we need now, and one labeled "Long Term" that we can wait on because the things go directly to storage. I usually buy that when I find it on sale. But the news has been shaky lately so I went ahead and bought the things on the long term list even if it meant paying full price. I noticed the same thing mentioned in a previous comment. Cheap house brands at Walmart were pretty much sold out, though there was enough of the "brand name" and higher prices commodity items.


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