
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sorry for the Silence

I haven't gotten any posting done today as I spent the entire day wrestling the trunk of the Oak I cut down. I got three and a half loads off the limbs and branches alone and today was spent cutting the trunk into sections.

It takes a long long time on a trunk that large. A lot of wedges, ropes, chains, tractor and about four tank fulls of gas and the thing is finally cut up. Eight hours I worked on it today but everything is ready for me to hitch up the log splitter and haul it in and turn the trunk sections into useable firewood.

I think that's on the agenda for tomorrow. I don't usually split on site but with the size of some of those sections I decided it was the best plan of attack this time around. I just forgot how time consuming those large trunks can be.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. They are huge and take time but you will get some wonderful wood out if it. You have hit the jackpot with that one!

  2. Good thing you finished cutting it up. Bitter cold coming again. -16 coming here. I pray the pipes don't freeze again. Stay warm my friend.

  3. Sounds like you were productive and can look back on the day with some satisfaction. That wood will stand you in good stead if the weather forecasters are right about the coming week.

  4. PP,

    Welcome back :-P
    Big Tree = Enough Wood To Get You Through Winter !!!


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