Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Round Three and The Runaway Rain Barrel
Last night about 8PM I started hearing the wind howling outside. The Remote sensor display unit which is the center core of the Cold Weather Command Center still read 49 degrees outside. By 8:30 it read 39 degrees. By midnight it was 11 degrees.
The wind was howling and blowing so bad when I went out to feed the wood furnace it was literally blowing the door shut on me when I would reach for a log. I finally had to go get my snow shovel off the porch and use it to prop the door open so I could feed the damned thing. I have never experienced wind strong enough to close that iron door like that on it's own.
So it's back to two hour sleeping shifts.
This morning I called my mom and told her I would take care of the sheep that are up here which is most of them. There are about 12 or so down at her place with the other ram but about 30 up here I think. Normally I don't coddle her too much, I don't care if she is pushing 70 by God if she thinks she is spry enough to keep buying and raising these animals (especially the useless horses) then she can do the feeding. Sadly my Step Father gives in and does most of the work for her but morning feedings are usually her responsibility. Anyway this cold and wind was enough to soften even my heart a bit as I thought there might be some real danger there with the wind knocking her over or something. So I fed the ravenous flock. I made sure and had her fill all the water troughs to the brim yesterday so they shouldn't need a water refill until tomorrow.
Ya I know I am such a softy, but my sheep are actually mixed in with the ones up here so I guess it's only fair.
So about the rain barrel. The one I had that survived the first freeze way back in November I managed to finally get the ice out of it and turned it over on it's stand over a month ago and placed a cinder block on top of it for weight. The sun doesn't hit that side of the house which is really what deteriorates plastic so I thought it would be fine there. Also it's normal storage area is now filled with the post hole auger and brush hog. So this morning while I am feeding I look down the road about a quarter of a mile and theres my rain barrel. The wind blew with enough force that it moved the rain barrel with the cinder block until the block fell off and the barrel went to visit the subdivision down the road.
I am bundled up in my carharts, which make me feel like a little short legged gnome anyway, carrying a 55 gallon plastic square against the 30+ mile an hour winds in the middle of the road at 7:30 in the morning.
Ya I got some weird looks from a few people driving by. More than one laughing wave and a honk as well from the nearest neighbors who know me. Not one of them idiots stopped and offered to let me put the damned rain barrel turned para-sail into the back of their trucks however. Wait till I see em at the gas station.
So that is this rounds cold weather adventure. Honestly I think last weeks little frigid dip was much colder overall but that is probably because the wind was blowing over the remaining snow. I keep telling myself this Winter has to end sometime.
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!
I'd like to know what lame excuses they come up with for driving by and not helping! Sorry excuses I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteEH. Knowing them and what they think of my crazy ideas and ways they prolly figured I was doing some type of experiment or something. They are good ol boys but they usually shake their heads at my small and sustaining endeavors. They just don't see the need for rain barrels and opening up old cisterns or raising bees.
DeleteIf it ain't one thing, it's another for you. The neighbors should have offered you a ride, though.
ReplyDeleteRP - Well I should have prolly put the thing int he barn when I got the ice out of it. I just figured that was enough weight to keep it there. Actually I been wondering if that wind was strong enough to blow a top off one of the hives now. The ones up here are fine though and they are more exposed than the others.
DeleteYes, Old Man Winter has a cold heart. Its cold here -13 & -26 wind chill. We have water which is good, but no hot water. Too cold to head outside to check why. Our water heater access is outside. I can heat water so its not a high priority to question why.
ReplyDeleteRob - Prolly froze somewhere. I know when my pipes freeze it's always the hot water that freezes first. Seems like everytime I find a small crack and fill it or fix some area that allows my pipes to freeze in some spot another one shows up ina different spot for the next storm. Cold temperatures suck when you are going through them but it brings lots of benefits too for the long term.
DeleteAfter reading about the strong wind you had we went out and checked our hot water heater. The pilot lite was out. We too had strong winds. It took 5 min to relight, and a couple of hours to get the hot back in the whole house. We let the hot water run last week, Last night no. Tonight yes.
DeleteChuckle....just can't depend on anyone anymore, can you. It's hot here, 58. Sunny. I'd rather have your weather.
ReplyDeleteStephen - Well in all honesty from driving a vehicle point of view I was damned near home. Now carrying the big wind catcher barrel it seemed like a long trip but truth be told I was on the shoulder of the highway that is my property. Of course thats like 10 acres long too.
DeleteI wish I had your weather :)
PP - my goodness you guys have been getting belted with such horrible weather this winter - it must really suck! i am sorry that your neighbours didn't offer you a ride...that would never happen around here and if it did, the people would never be able to live it down and they would be seriously frowned upon by everyone else. i am glad you got your rainbarrell...we left ours out one time and jambaloney was climbing through deep woods to try and get it back - bahahahah!
ReplyDeleteyour friend,
Kymber - We have gotten some cold ones that's for sure and they left us little time in between waves to recuperate but very little snow or ice really and for that I am grateful. Like I said above with the neighbors if I had flagged em down they would have stopped. Of course that's hard to do holding on to big ass plastic tub but I know they don't get surprised seeing me doing stuff that is questionable.
DeleteYou must be a fine fellow, my neighbor won't even wave at me. NINO neighbor in name only I guess.
ReplyDeleteBe careful you might end up with a bunch of munchkins running around next time the wind blows. I am ready for more cold but sure don't want it.
Sf - One neighbor has me blocked in on two sides and they kinda pissed me off when they built a house right up against my back fence. I was out there a few months ago putting up a new strand of wire and she came out all defensive saying "the corner marker is here" and pointing. I was like I am not even concerned about that unless you are I just want to fix this fence that is already here. After that she was all friendly once again.
DeleteI was mistaken on the collapsable rain berrels not moving till spring but it took several guys to move them so the trencher could dig out the dirt for the water line.
ReplyDeleteCity code requires 42 inches deep for the main water line so I don't think it will freeze at least until the next Ice age LOL!