Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
I Think We Peeked Over The Cliff
With the GDP being revised down as predicted. Some crashing emerging market currencies. Bank closings and withdrawal limits. China's output reduction, tapering, more company closings......
Well the list just goes on and on but you could feel a definite panic floating around out there this past weekend and earlier this week.
In fact I kinda believe more than a few people out there who are much better connected than I am were very worried for a bit.
Something ugly and hungry came and looked in the window and scared some people. Maybe that's what sent those Bankers over the side of the buildings this weekend?
Today things seem to be back to their normal manipulations. Precious Metals were heading up as the market indexes were heading down Monday and Tuesday but this morning so far it looks like the trend has reversed back on to itself. As I said GDP was revised down but it was then praised in the media as making expectations.
What I think we are seeing is that for a brief time control was lost but has now been regained at least to a point that those pulling the strings are breathing a bit easier.
However there are some other more low key moves coming out that make me wonder just how close we were. For one now Mayor Emanuel is making a low key attempt to pass Chicago pensions off onto the State of Illinois.
Emanuel Ill. Legislature must fix city pensions
Detroit much there Rahm? So basically what he wants to do is pass the payments for these pensions off unto the state and people who don't live in Chicago and never received even an ounce of the over rated services that were supposedly supplied? Yep something has gotten the "in the know" crowd spooked a bit.
I have been sitting here wondering just how close we came.
Seriously people have your preps in order and ready to go because I think this was a sign that the final slip can go down at any time. Then again they could continue to keep control for years yet. Who knows?
But something rattled a few cages recently.
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!
Just as you said, manipulation(s). check the silver chart for today, the green line right at 8am. That kind of drop is nothing but illegal manipulation in order to prop up the dollar.... and to allow China to buy more PM at very low prices.
It's been in the back of my mind as well all week.
Matt - Yes I noticed that and then BAM a .57 cent drop in share price. I can see where China may pressure the West to let them get PM's but can;t see why the West would do it clandestinely. I mean they ain't gonna get anything out of it unless it's just more debt purchases and that's getting them nowhere.
DeleteI'm thinking it's a subtle way of repayment on the money we owe them or at least paying down the interest on that debt. who knows.....
DeleteIt's quickly becoming pointless at any rate. This thing has to come down at some point.
I could understand if they were actually paying it off but just manipulating the price doesn't really lower the amount. Unless of course there is some back room deal which is very possible.
DeleteThe hair has stood up on the backs of mine and Papa Bears neck this week. Something is not right. Can't pinpoint is probably a lot of things. Makes me wonder which of our projects is the most important to finish. Papa Bear is usually very attuned to what we need to be doing, When he says we need to.(fill in the blank)....I listen. So far he is going ahead with work on the barn and I the garden.
ReplyDeleteMB - Both of those will certainly have a payout so good choices.
DeleteI have the same feeling, although I cannot tell you why.
DeleteFew days ago...Matt Drudge posted, "Have an exit strategy in place." Oh, that's just wonderful...exit where. Gear packed, sure. Preposition supplies, yes. I just can't see most Americans with the means and better yet, a way to leave the mess. We'll have plenty of warning....never fear. The time to get the heck out of Dodge is when the bullets begin to fly and the thugs light their fires.
ReplyDeleteThat was on Twitter on the 24th and if you hit the "expand link" he gives you the reason.....
Never read Twitter in my life until your link...still didn't find his reason why.
Deleteit was a joke, the "expand link" open the box up and you should see the word "collapse" as in economic collapse
DeleteIts actually a "collapse link"..... it closes the box
Stephen and Matt - Ya I saw that over at ZH and RR blog. I think maybe he was tipped off and then TPTB managed to avoid something.
Delete"Something ugly and hungry came and looked in the window and scared some people."
ReplyDeleteWell stated. And it's still in the yard, hiding in trees.
Sir TM - Ya I don;t think it has gone very far off but those bankers and such aren't coming out either I don;t think.
DeleteI am just getting things in order, kind of tired of getting laughed at when I try to talk to anyone about what is coming.
ReplyDeleteSf - I hear ya I don't even bother except on line. Most don;t want to know.
DeletePioneer, If you look back at 1929 the same thing happened with a couple of big hiccups in Jan. and March of that year. Back then the stock market was openly manipulated which is why the government passed Glass-Stengal back in 1933/34 time frame.
ReplyDeleteGlass-Stengal was repealed and now the stock market is manipulated once again.
Matt, Gold shows just how weak the dollar is and the banksters want to force the people with physical gold to sell, silver just happens to tag along with gold.
But the Western bankers seem to have a blind spot concerning China or they have made a deal to save themselves with China.
I think hubris is playing a big role in the thinking of the Elites. They truly believe they can control this game and I think that control is starting to slip.
MASR - Interesting observations. I must admit my 1920's to 1930's historical knowledge is not the greatest it was an area I wasn't interested in and none of my professor's were either.
DeleteBlind spot maybe the answer. Or more importantly I think maybe they think China is as greedy as they are. It is but just in a different way so the normal rules do not apply.
Interesting and thought provoking comment.
Pioneer a great book to read is the "Autobiography of Will Rogers". Sort of a day by day thing of the credit/debt explosion of the 1920's and then the Depression. Not perfect but with a bit of 20/20 hindsight it is very enlightning. From a Joe six pack sort of veiw.
ReplyDelete"When Money Dies" is free to read and is a good example of a a world wide depression but covers the "Weimar Republic's build up of inflation as a good thing.
Inflation is great for the folks at the top of the "monetary food chain". Deflation is great for the lower and the middle class that hold a few real assets. Deflation is a good thing for the lower economic classes but the IMF/BIS and all bansters treat deflation as the only evil they know as they (the PTBs) don't get first shot at controlling the price.
Many folks talk about the Depression of the 1930's or WWII as the "event" but I think 1910-1914 was the year the seeds were sown for our present troubles.
MASR - Inflation is good if you have the producing assets to take advantage of it or the surplus cash to buy low and sell high. Deflation really hurts that class which is why they fight deflation to the bitter end.
DeleteI will check out those titles thank you.
I haven't tried to keep up with the outside world this week, I've been juggling all I could handle here. I didn't even watch the State of the Union, something I always do even though it makes me mad. Once the weather gets back to normal and things settle down I'll try to start keeping track of the wider world again.
ReplyDeleteHarry - I understand. I have a bit more time to read right now actually as I wait and watch my temps and sleep alot less. The extra feeding chores have been stressing that a bit though.