
Friday, April 19, 2013

I still Stand By Prep Level 5

I admit we have not seen scores of refugees or wandering bands of looter zombies attacking scattered homesteads across the country. I believe we have seen enough flash mobs and the like to qualify as large scale riots in a way and everyday our infra-structure breaks down just a  bit further. It may not be "back to wall" survival for us yet but I still stand by my opinion that it has truly started and we have reached the most highest level of prepping and getting things in place.

Why? You may ask. OK I will tell you.

We have reached critical mass it is that simple. Critical mass in so many areas from politics to immigration, energy to food production, debt to unemployment. Any one of these factors alone is enough to cause some serious issues but they are ALL, each of them, coming to that point of no return at the same time.

All the while we have the worst President ever to stain the oval office.

The government is running out of money, the people are being taxed to death. We have finally let enough free wandering immigrants in with no limits and no insistence for any loyalty to this country while allowing them to stay. In a very real sense all we have done is allow mini-states of colonialism to establish themselves inside our borders and the numbers have reached the point that resistance has begun.

The breakdown has already begun and it only gets worse from here my friends.

Get things in orders as best you may for I fear time is short.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I have to agree. The officially-ignored inflation is roaring ahead now, too: steel studs here have gone up 40% since last fall. Just one more symptom of the rot within the economy which will cause things to fall apart sooner, rather than later. We'll be lucky to get through 2014 without a crash.

    1. RP - This thing can go global at any minute I think. The recent crash in gold and silver along with other indicators, like the inflation you mentioned, just makes me think we are there. Tomorrow maybe just like today but the day after? Who knows?

  2. I agree with you and Rev. Paul. SO many folks have just given up looking for work that alone is giving false hope of more jobs available.

    Home sales raising?? I think its folks who have been sitting on cash and now feel they need to buy because they are worried the banks will tax their savings like Cyprus.

    1. Rob - They say home sales are rising but others are claiming they aren't. Yes False is the word and why I am saying we are at level 5 because it's all a sham.

  3. Seems like the we are somewhere between 3 and 4 at the moment. They did just turn aside the gun laws after all.

    The level issue is a bit moot anyway. As the Arab Spring showed, you can go from 2 to 6 in a couple of months.

    1. Russ - I think most of the US is between 3 and 4 as you say but not all of it is and as you point out we can go to Armageddon in a snap. The level thing really has sort of morphed into my imminent danger and prepping level chart more than what's going on in individual areas. As I said the level varies from place to place and figuring out an average is beyond my data stream level.

  4. I think we have a ways to go yet. Could be a slow slide for a long time, they'll keep printing cash.

    1. SS - !!!!! Good to see ya commenting again!!!

      Like I mentioned to Russ above I think it varies but I agree with him as well it can turn quickly and when the possibility is so close that things can change almost overnight than it is prolly best to be at prep level 5.

      Or so I think anyway. A condition of 3 or 4 seems kinda right for an average but a condition that high in today's volatility puts me at prep level 5.

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting again I missed your input.


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