
Monday, February 25, 2013

Winter Storm Preps - Round Two

Luckily the Small-Hold isn't in the center or even the red area for this storm but it has already started sleeting here a little as the Sun sets. About half of last weeks snow has melted but the ground is still totally covered so anything we get will be on top of what remains. This storm is also bringing some cold temps in with it and they are forecasting highs only in the 30's all week now so no break for the girls inside their hives yet either.

These storms have been doing a number on my wood supply as well. Had the temps and wind remained mild I would have had enough to begin cutting for next year but as it is with the wind howling and the snow blowing I been using about twice the usual amount and was not able to get out this weekend to cut more. After another round of splitting today I am not down to trouble amounts by any means but my reserve isn't as large as I like it to be either and the snow kinda limits my available cutting areas as well.

I do however have an ace in the hole that I can get to easily if the supply gets critical of course.

So once again the truck is loaded to the gills and topped off. The tarps are all out in place. This time I have hid the Mrs. car keys and we are sitting back and watching the storm come in.

I would much prefer 60 or 70 degree days with a light intermittent rain that drops some few inches of water on us over this week along with sunshine that allows some plants to bloom. But we need the moisture and if it is going to be too cold for the girls to fly it might as well snow.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Never would have thought I would be excited about a blizzard/ice storm... but here I am; sleet on me baby you can melt whenever.


    1. Dan - I won't be sad about the moisture that's for sure. I just hope my bees survive.

  2. We are doing the backstroke here. Over 11 inches of rain since Friday and it's still coming down. Y'all stay safe and warm...Glad you hid Mrs PP's keys...bahahaha

    1. MB - She was already whining about me taking her keys. LOL

  3. I thought you had lots of wood, and didn't the winter start mild for you? Maybe I am mis-rembering and thinking of those crazy Nova Scotians.

    We have been getting rain. Not as much as Mamma Bear, but it has been constant. The growth spurt in the spring should be impressive.

    1. Russ- A month ago I would have sworn I had enough for the rest of the Winter and then some. After the recent cold snaps followed by these blizzards I have used twice as much wood as I predicted. It doesn;t help that I have missed a couple of cutting days due to the weather either this month.

      I am not at critical worry levels yet by any means but I am going to have to do some serious cutting to have as much as I want to store at this point now.

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