
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So They Say There's a Storm A'Comin

The Internet weather people are saying a Wintery-Mix starting Wednesday but their little video forecast shows Winter Storm Q as dumping possibly 6 to 13 inches this far out (Or did last night). The locals are saying some stations are predicting even more than that. Well who knows? All I know is it has turned damned cold once again.

I have been only cranking up the burn on the wood furnace after dark the last week or so, keeping it barely burning on coals during the day or even letting it go out completely but apparently Winter isn't totally finished with us yet.

I just hope the bees are making good use of all that sugar feed I been putting out for them the last few weeks because they sure didn't get any more today. By the looks of the forecast it's going to be Sunday at the earliest before they can break their Winter ball again so I hope they got enough food to last em.

So today was spent in making sure we are set on Winter preps for the coming snowstorm that more than likely will only give us a dusting if prior experience tells us anything. Usually when they predict a storm as putting down more than 3 inches we get nothing but when they say flurries are possible we get the mega-load. Anyway we are preppers so better safe than sorry.

I unloaded the truck of the wood I had from this weekend's run and stacked all the stuff that didn't need splitting beside the furnace in it's place. I have about half a cord stacked there at any given time. I then got out the log-splitter and got to work on the big pieces I have from all the other cutting trips I have done this year. One tank of log splitter gas will usually over fill the truck bed by a bit so I split up a truckload and then backed it in up to the furnace. By doing this I can almost pretend to be a fireman on an old fashioned steam engine chucking wood right from the wood car into the burn box.

Tomorrow I will be putting all the tarps in place and securing them down. I don't normally mind the firewood getting rained on as I have plenty of dry tender stored but I do not let it get snowed on if I can help it. The over full load in the truck is also an emergency transportation setup, if the Mrs. gets stranded in town I already got the weight in the four wheel drive to go rescue her. I also made sure the truck was topped off with fuel.

So heat and emergency transport are taken care of.

I then went and checked on the solar backup batteries to be sure they are fully charged in case the power goes out. All was well there. Plenty of kerosene in case I need to start up the jet heater in the basement or resort to fuel lamps. The babies in the barn seem to be staying warm with mom and won't even take a bottle now. I located at least 10% of the hundred some odd flashlights and lanterns I have laying around all over and we have enough meat to last months as long as I can keep the freezer going and I took a round bale out to the moocher horse pasture in case my mother gets snowed in and calls to beg me to feed her 50 year old nags like she did during the last snowmegedon we had a couple years back.

We are ready. Let it snow I say. 

I think tomorrow I will run into town early and watch all the sheeple running around in panic mode stocking up.

It's the little things in life ya know.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. I hear you, the local news media and weather have their panties in a wad about these storms coming. Lord knows, the shepple will be crazy in the stores to prepare. I can drive into town and park at the local Walmart parking lot,just sit there and watch the kaos.

    You would think after being in snow storms (bad ice storms) and tornadoes here they would be totally prepared, not even.

    1. Sandy - No kidding. Well 6:pm and no snow here yet.

  2. I was rather surprised by the numbers of sheeple here in Anchorage, last September, when we had 85mph winds gusting to over 100, and power was out for about 1/3 of the city for several days.
    The whining was incredible ... until I saw who complained. Recent arrivals from the Left Coast, to a person.

    I suspect you'll be fine, sir, and I hope all goes well with you.

    1. RP - I don;t know about most people around here but I think alot of stuff is more want to have over needs really. I mean as well prepared as I am I still had to have the wife stop and get some bread on her way home.

      We could have made some but....

  3. Central North Carolina is supposed to get down to the low 40s and raining by Friday. Lots of rain so far this year.

    1. Russ - we had 15 last night. Not suppose to get as cold tonight. Just snow and freezing rain but I am beginning to think we won't get either.

  4. We're supposed to be getting ice starting this afternoon. Got firewood on the porch yesterday, but should probably go get some more. Oh, and what are the chanced that one of the goats will have an early kidding since it's supposed to be in the 20's at night? Ugh!
    Hope you're all hunkered down & safe.
    And I agree with the freaky-people watching. We did that after one of the big ice storms here and it was quite amusing (and sad).

    1. Carolyn - OMG I hope we don't get more lambs in this mess lol. No snow yet at 6 pm. We will see.

  5. Back home (MN) when they couldn't put a finger on snow fall amounts, we would get nailed. We are already planning on stockpiling supplies when we get back home, and we haven't even left Fla yet.

  6. Stay safe everyone. I know you are watching the weather where you are.

    1. Jane - The snow line keeps stalling out before it quite gets to us so far this afternoon. We could use more moisture though.


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