
Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Stage is Set Obama's Military Grows

I interrupt the stream of ammo/decline posts for this little tidbit that brings a few other tidbits I have been hearing and coming across into play.

A few months past I was reading an article about several lesser commands, namely in the training sectors of our military organizations that had their male commanders removed rather suddenly and suspiciously and replaced by women who were questionable in the areas of prior knowledge and training for the commands. I tried to find this article to link here tonight but failed I am afraid.

It wasn't many but a few as I remember it and some important commands overall if not exactly flashy or immediately powerful. I believe it happened about the same time I was hearing some  conspiracy theories floating around out there about Obummer removing our generals.

While I will be the first to acknowledge there are many Conservative and prepper oriented women out there on our side Obummer and the Left are completely convinced that women, especially the younger women, are firmly Liberals. Let's face it they are correct.

Let's be frank here my friends. Our rights, our money, our futures and the entire well being of White males across this country would never be in jeopardy or constant attack if it wasn't for the voting power of the White female solidly helping the Liberal conquest. We are a race divided and very few will even admit it. Gender bias has replaced any racial harmony within the White race and we are the only race so fettered with this issue.

Many a patriot will mention that the US military will never fire on US civilians, while I still agree with that claim I have some reservations as well what with the introduction of thousands of immigrants and others who have no real ties with traditional America into the ranks. Yet the officer corp has remained pretty solidly old school American. One major reason for this has been the lack of combat command experience available to women in the military.

Aside from the type of woman who would be chomping at the bit for military combat leadership positions and their particular feelings towards traditional American values and traditional American men in particular. Can any of you think of a better way to attempt to take the fight out of an American patriot male than making him fight female soldiers?

Can any of you think of a more willing group to disarm men and enforce biased laws against men than a military of women? Commanded by women and lead by an honorary woman of the year President?

How far can he get in retooling our military into what the Left wants? A military that holds the same values as the religious left and will not recoil at enforcing those beliefs against the Constitution and the will of the people. One made up of a group who has been told since birth that they were oppressed and enslaved by the very men they will be used against.

You think I am being far fetched with this assessment? Wait and see. Just wait and see.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I don't know anyone who wants to fire on our our soldiers ... but if ANY U.S. soldier ever fires on a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, then all bets are off.

    1. RP - But what happens when a mixed unit containing young females come to take your guns? I think many a patriot might balk at killing a young female soldier or not.

    2. If they're following unconstitutional order, they're Enemy. That simplifies any problems.

  2. I don't know. I think you could hand pick particular Liberal military females for the purpose of disarmament. We have all known a very few female police officers who were bad at their jobs while most are very good. However, I am not as rare an animal as many people think. There are lots of conservative women just like myself. He does have his work cut out for him, especially in places like Virginia and Texas.

    1. Alexandra - I don't believe this is really about getting your average woman combat time in the field. It is about running female officers who have been handpicked for their loyalty to the left through a paper trail of combat service so they can be placed in command positions.

      This will remove the question of the general's following illegal orders.

  3. Everyone living in Missouri must read SB124 which has been introduced to the state legislature!!! Major implications and they are using out children!! Had a meeting this morning in a town north of us and stopped in at the reload supplier, and at a local gun shop. This needs to be nipped in the bud! We need to make everyone aware of this BS.

    I hope you still have my email address.

    from the eastern side of Kingdom of Callaway.

    1. Anon - I saw that bill a few days ago. I do not believe the Missouri legislature will allow it to pass. The democrat feminist multi-cultist rep who sponsored it is barking up the wrong tree. Yet you are correct and I salute you bringing it up to the attention of everyone you can.

      You are a true Callaway patriot and I know we will be standing together before this is all over.


  4. I agree with you. I am so trying to raise my young girls to be conservative and not liberal-minded. BTW I saw your Texas Secede logo at the top of your page. Thanks for the support! :) I spent yesterday calling the capitol and talking to the secretaries of the Lt. Gov on down, asking everyone to support the bill that the Texas Nationalist Movement is trying to get filed this legislative session. (Actually many of the TNM did the same thing).

    1. Amy E - I believe that if Texas goes many states will follow your lead. Your efforts are to be commended and applauded.

      Do It TEXAS!!!!

  5. i am not so sure that i totally agree with your thoughts for the day on white military women...i am white, a veteran of the as well as the u.s.marine corps...i will tell you that i left the navy not long after they decided to put women aboard ships and assigned to sea duty...and i left the marines at the end of an enlistment when word came down that eventually i would be expected to carry the same weight as a man in the field...which has been proven time and time again that is physically impossible unless you are out to become physically disabled or crippled or have mixed xy chromosomes. i am considerably conservative, religious, and old-fashioned woman who thinks that this country is in some deep deep troubles and that be you man or woman, a person needs to open their ears and eyes wide, pay attention, and get prepared best they can for the coming chaos.

    1. Anon - When I served as an artillery officer in the Army my observation was that there were typically two types of women in the military. Those (mainly enlisted) who were there to better themselves and their outlook for the future and those (mainly officers) who had a point to prove, a chip on their shoulder and wanted all the power they could get.

      Regardless of the rather exploitative ways I witnessed several enlisted females cause problems in the trenches generally speaking the women of the first type were not the problem creators. At least tot he point they couldn't be dealt with although they did cause a few fights and the like.

      This move is not about the enlisted women it is about getting the second type through and catapulted into command positions and get rid of as many good ol boy generals as possible.


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