
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So What are we Gonna Do?

It's coming folks. They will not be able to legally ban firearms but that will not stop them. Obama and the rest of the White Boy hating Liberal/Feminist bunch don't care about the Constitution and they have imported more than enough Hispanics, Africans, Asians and Arabs to give themselves a comfortable majority vote for anything. Anything as long as it targets rural and small town White values and traditions.

Let's stop beating around the bush here and say it like it is. The time for direct attack is here and this second term is going to be the start of the battle and the Liberal/Feminist are not going to stop.

Generals have been forced to retire all over the armed services and replaced by Feminist Officers groomed to follow the Big Government socialist dreams. Our feminist dominated schools have been anti-Gun for years and will add credibility to the assaults by pushing many a White Female school teacher to the forefront of the fight. That makes it seem less racial but then again it never has been a simple race problem has it?

The first move will be towards direct sales businesses and manufacturers. These companies will of course buckle straight away. A national registry will be mandated but not enforced on private citizens, only on businesses. At first. Many rural county LEO's will refuse to enforce the registration and at first the Feds won't care but then the money withholding will begin. Gradually County and State law enforcement will see the "alleged" unregistered firearm accusation as an easy warrant and with the bonus of a Federal money payoff.

The question is will we old White guys be content to be the last American gun owners? Will we sit at home and be happy that we get to keep what we got and brag that we still have 30 round mags as replacement parts dry up and our firearms are non-transferable, even to our heirs? Will we allow time, Feminist indoctrination and hassling government red tape mixed with fees lull our children into towing the Liberal/Feminist party line to the point they don't even want dad's treasured AR-15 when the time comes?

Will those of us with more fluid resources shrug our shoulders because we can pay the fees levied against us while so many of our brother's in arms must give up their guns because they can't afford them?

Will we stand back with the occasional individual making his last stand here and there and being over whelmed because they are moving on us piecemeal?

The voting box isn't going to save us. The courts are owned by the Liberal/Feminist movement. Will we stand or go quietly into the night?

What will we do?


  1. Other than a full on attack, nothing. Maintain you status and keep your head down. If offered, take or purchase any firearm and ammunition, even if old, and release none to others. Hit the stores as often as your finances allow and grab the little bits of ammo left, then carefully preserve and store it. Keep a firearm close at hand at home and vehicle. Don't advertise. Take care.

    1. Stephen - Good advice but not sure that is gonna be enough for me this time.

  2. PVC and a post hold digger. That's about all I got to say about that.

  3. I always figured the ammo tax combined with another limitation on magazine size were their most likely routes. Possibly limitations on online purchases as well.

    Confiscation is the one that is going to make things really interesting, but I doubt they can pull that off.

    1. Russ - I agree but add in an actual firearm registration tax as well.

      I am NOT gonna pay it.

  4. While I currently DO NOT own any kind of weapon, When I saw that the Chosen One may and will use an EO for gun control, the first thing I thought of was this will be the "SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD" and will start the next American Revolution - Civil War.

    I do believe that there will come a time, soon, where the manufacturing of guns/ammo & such will be done "underground" and a very large black market will begin if it hasn't already.

    1. Rob - You may be right. But will the Libs allow it or go after it full throttle?

  5. They might pull off an outright ban on high-capacity mags and maybe even AR weapons. But their biggest tool will be taxation. They will make it economically difficult to own multiple guns and purchase ammo for them. It won't be illegal to own them, just prohibitively expensive.

    1. SD - I agree that is what I see as the most likely route

  6. Wow, except for one registered gun I bought a few months ago, I threw all my others into the river because they were just too dangerous to have around.

  7. I had to sell mine to eat and pay the land payment, I only have a 1914 (non working) squirrel gun from JCPenney. I am SO sad.


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