
Friday, January 25, 2013

It's Cach'in Time

Folks. I got a sinking feeling this gun control thing is going to pass. On the Federal level the Republicans are in full retreat mode. I don't understand why they are so willing to simply roll over like they are but it seriously makes my tinfoil hat thoughts bubble up to the surface. They may block some small part of Fienstien's bill and call it a victory but due to some other articles I came across today coupled with the complete lack of a spine or any speaking out against this thing by Republicans (other than Rand Paul) something just ain't right.

The time for politics is over. There is simply no way we can ever outvote the Liberal mercenary voting alliance on a national level. That in and of itself would not bother me so much as long as they followed the Constitution but they haven't and they won't.

I think you all know what you have to do. Many of us have had our prized firearms stolen recently due to the rash of thefts brought on by the dramatically increased value of our guns and ammo. In some cases they were snatched right out of our cars and by the time we realized they were stolen, weeks, why even months went by so there was no point in reporting it. Unless you are made of money it is very possible what you got now is what you are gonna have to use without replacements.

Best take care of what you have left.

Keep it secret....Keep it safe.

and Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Don't give up...fight. Keep writing those letters. Besides, I shall not comply with any of their laws, even if passed.

    1. I am just waiting for the fight to start my friend. I will admit I prefer to NOT be the one who starts it though.

      Maybe that is a bit cowardly of me in some way. If they come on my property I will defend myself but I won't take the fight to them yet.

  2. I knew this gun ban was coming and I didn't want to go through all the hassle, so I just went ahead and sold all my guns. It's too bad I don't have any guns anymore, so the Feds can just pass me by and not waste their time checking me! Nothing to see here, move along, nothing to see here.

    1. Yes indeed I did the same those 3K prices were just too good to pass up.

  3. True story. I sold both of mine at a nice premium with the idea of buying 3 after the gun legislation didn't pass. Too bad the guy I sold them to died of a heart attack a few months later. I do have the bill of sale if you'd like to see it.

    1. The poor soul. I hope he left them to someone worth while.

  4. PP - these last several posts have been awesome. wtf? what did you just accuse us of? that we bury food and ammo all in between our raspberry bushes, some of which grow to 10ft, on our 10 acres of land? have you seen the islands that we have access to in our gorgeous river? we could convert only 1/8 of those rivers to growing mara-jee-wana and the rest we could rent out to people who want to hide their guns...or something.

    so what are you talkin' 'bout Willis? we surely don't do that. oh UN is our Iver Johnson champion, 12 gauge, and all 17 of our bullets, that we got and registered and are only too glad to pass on to authorized UN personnel. we only trust UN Authorized personnel. but we would gladly hand over our Johnson to anyone with a badge.

    the last few posts have been great buddy. you don't have a UN Authorized badge do ya? cuz if you do, i will gladly give you our Johnson. and 10 or 11 bullets. your friend,

    1. Ahh Kymber - Thanks for the kind words. Do you really want to slip me your Johnson?

  5. I don't get the point of wasting money on ugly guns. If we could buy an AK at the international rate, roughly $80.00, I might be tempted. For $500.00 it iust doesn't make sense to me, never mind the insane prices they are going for now. The ARs are even worse. For almost any conceivable defensive use a revolver or pump action shotgun is more than sufficient, and they look good.

    If the prices on these sorry looking suckers isn't bad enough then you are going to catch it and worry about it rusting away? Really? To each thier own, but I think it's nuts.

    Incidentaly, if they do succeeded in banning "assault rifles" I would expect the market to be flooded with militarized AKs, G3s, etc. because the demand is there.


    1. Dan - I happen to think the AR is a very attractive looking rifle. The AK's I can take or leave and I will agree the prices for an AK are a bit much.

      defensively speaking each weapon has it's place and I would disagree even inside a building a short carbine version of an AR beats any pistol or a shotgun hands down if you have the time to react. Outside the rifle is the first thing I grab when predators threaten because they are always way outside of pistol or shotgun range and a bolt action against a pack of wild dogs is pointless.

      As for caching there are many ways to secure a firearm against rust for decades if not longer. A bit expensive but I can tell you those Russians were masters at it.

      I don't really understand what you are saying in the last paragraph. If they ban them the market cannot be flooded unless you are referring to an International market or a black market.

    2. Yea black market. AKs are going for between $50 to $80 internationaly depending on location and were going for $500ish here for leagal sporterized models. In the event of a ban the demand isn't going away just the legal option. The spread is already large enough to encourage smugglers. I think the only reason there isn't a thriving black market is that the risk isn't worth it when a legal option is roughly the same price. Remove the legal option and arms are going to flow. Probably a bunch of soviet and belgan hardware. AKs, FALs, etc. Progably G3s because there are a bunch of them gloating around.

      I guess what really gets me is catching to avoid law. This seems pointless to me. When it comes time to make that choice the only real choices are fight, flight or submit. Outside of an ongoing or nascent rebellion catching makes no sense, all risk no reward. If everybody is catfhing they are catching for an event in the future that will never get here. They will be taken down one at a time and presented as a loner or couple of nut jobs on the news, it takes three acting at once to get somthing going.

      Finaly I think somthing is being overlooked with the obsession on weapons. Weapons do not make an army: men make an army. The weapons are just tools. While the right tools for the job are important, they are by no means the most important thing.


      Ps. On the subject of numbers

    3. Caching is necessary if you have more than you can carry at any given time and no one to assign it to for proper use. In my opinion it is no different than storing preps, your simply placing it in a storage area that is much less obvious.

      People with only a yard may not think it is very secure but someone with 100's of acres has a bit more options.

      As far as weapons go an army maybe made up of men but moral is the most important part of that body and the availability of weapons plays an important roll in moral. The numbers you need to counteract moral reductions when arms are uneven begins to really go up the further the spread. So really weapons are the most important part of the most important aspect of an organized force in the short term. Food prolly overtake arms in the long term though.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. 3 feet down,or they'll find it.

    "Salt" a larger area with short (24-30 inch) pieces of rebar or pipe in the same orientation as your cache.

    But remember, when it is time to bury 'em, it is time to use 'em.

    1. What your burying isn't what your using or so I would think.

  8. Sorry to spoil the party, but the only thing that they'll get is 30 round mags outlawed, even the dems are bulking. It ain't gonna happen. But if it does they better come prepared, cause their gettin mine lead first............

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