
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day One - The Whore of Babylon

 Exit polling data suggests that 55% to as much as 60% of White women voted for Obama and the Femocrat party. Yes as far as I am concerned our downfall rests mostly with the Feminist ideals and lack of morals of today's American woman and to a smaller extent the brainless young men who will follow the whore to any ends without looking up into his doom.

But there is another war going on here as well.

The Femocrats and their imported mercenary voters are entrenched deeply in a very few areas. I present to you some final polling maps of the key states from last nights shame. It is easy to see that while the actual population living in the U.S. (I will not say Americans)  may have voted for Obama the land mass didn't.


Even the completely dominated democratic State of Illinois is almost completely a Red State by land mass.

Our rural family farms and small holdings are being deserted and snatched up by the modern day equivalent of Roman Latafundi. Most of our resources are being directed into these densely populated enclaves that wish to keep the party going as long as possible.

We have natural allies. Depleted energy and other resources along with rising prices will bring the natural balance of power back eventual but we must hold out while nature works it's magic.

Already this morning moves have been announced to proceed with Gun control measures and carbon/emission tax legislation. These moves are specifically designed to hit rural America hardest in point of fact. Rural America relies on firearms for more than entertainment and crime, we are the ones who have legitimate uses for these tools and now once again it appears we have a need for them in the most legitimate manner possible. The one protected by the Constitution. Carbon emissions are not only designed to create revenue off of manufacturing industry but to shut down all forms of traditional alternative heating and livestock farming. Regulations involving fireplaces and farm machinery will be included I assure you.

This is the final fight. The race is still on but the circumstances have changed in a big way. Rural men cannot fight against our crazy wayward sisters. Indeed most men out there refuse to see this for what it is, only those few true Matrons of faith and honor can see the betrayal by their tainted daughters. However as men we are the ones who have given these mini-whore's of babylon the power because we allow them to dictate the rules by voting and then bow down to them. The answer is simple just ignore them.

Let them rant and rave my fellow men. Let them scream that we are controlling them and tell us we are neanderthals. Take this fight into an area they simply cannot follow us into and have no power to change except by cooperating with us. These harlots have shown us they really like the neanderthal, savage, Avatar fantasy anyway. Time to give it to them.

The Resistance has Begun!!!


  1. I do agree with most of what you have written, when I talked to our insurance agent about a wood stove in the addition we recently added, he told me the insurance industry knew there was a plan tax those with this type of heat.

    I don't think your intention, but a lot of what you write seems to have a very negative view of women. Maybe you have encountered only the bad ones and for that I am sorry.

    I have talked to a number of women here in Callaway County and only one voted for the pretender. Romney was the overwhelmingly better choice.

    1. Anon - Yes the cap and trade legislation included wood heat as something to be taxed.

      As for your second part. 60% of women voted for Obama. In Missouri it was a higher ration who voted for McCaskill. Simply put these women must really hate all men... excuse me all White men to be voting for these socialist.

      It has been said over and over that men "controlled" women but that is a lie. Men at least those who's hormone levels haven't dropped enough to figure the whole thing out would control women in a much different way than the way it was in the so called bad ol days.

      In Callaway county almost 40% of the vote still went to Obama and 48% to Claire if I remember right. The Single White woman has almost completely turn against me and White men and any attempt at sheltering them by saying I hate all women cannot be allowed anymore.

  2. It doesn't matter what puppet got picked.. same corporations hold the strings to the 2 major parties.. and a majority of the populace couldn't name 1 other candidate.

    Carbon emissions... This one irks me. (As does the gun control.) O-drama is about spin not substance. The sheep for some reason keep seeing him as "green." He's a bigger hypocrit than energy guzzling Gore. As for guns.. well.. too bad they weren't left to walk around just outside of Dubuque at night. Give 'em a flashlight so they can enjoy the coyote eyeshine as they prowl around you.

    Targeting women isn't going to even make a dent in the crap to come. Just as many of the sheep are wethers and rams... none of which seem to give a crap about what's going on around them... They care more about their picks for fantasy whatever games & reality tv.. than what they & their children are consuming.

    Prop 37 defeated.

    2 days ago an oil well blew out near New Orleans. No mention that I've heard on that oil spill.

    Last month.. scant mention of how an ambassador from Japan was commenting that the foundation under Fukushima's reactor 4 is eroding- fast.

    Hydrofracking.. you'd be hard pressed to find 3 people around you who know what the Haliburton loophole is. Yet out of 31 states that have fracking.. only 5 have any disclosure laws. You're more likely to hear them repeat the ads where they say there is over 100 years of CLEAN energy. Clean.. if you disregard the fact that that process releases 30% more methane per well... and aren't liable for damages/ destruction/ clean up.

    Dammit.. you can't go away! No one pisses me off with anti-female statements as well as you do. :)


    1. Anne - Dear (I say as I pat you lightly ont he head) LOL!!

      I am not saying targeting women at all. In fact I say just the opposite. By all means I am counting on the true women still left to help. I am telling the men to do something and to ignore the women who are bent on our destruction and stop giving them so much power.

      They only have this power because we allow it!!!

      Yes all those issues and more are going to come crashing down on us. Things are going to get bad but what other preppers don't realize is that we rural folks are going to be the ones squeezed before any pain is allowed to get to the Femocratic base in the cities.

      We must fight back.


  3. I totally agree. Funny part of it is, given that we are about the same age and live in the same general area, PP and I probably went to high school together! EEEK!


    1. Actually I doubt we did although we might very well know each other from HS times. That is all I am going to say on the issue. Past readers like yourself know where I am located but any new scrutiny won't or so I hope.

  4. Sorry to see you go, best of luck to you. Big Brother already knows who you are, might as well stay with us. Remember what I suggested to you? BHO would win then in four years a national crisis would occur and elections would be suspended "for the good of the nation" and BHO would just stay in the white House. Welcome to the New World Order"

  5. Our problem in 9 words.

    We have to many TAKERS and too few PRODUCERS..

    Congress has made these takers and Congress feeds and clothes them.

    The solution is not to change the Constitution, but change our Congress ever 6 years.

    Never send anyone to Washington for more the 6 years.

    Right at 6 years they become Professional Politicians and they only want to stay in Washington for the rest of there lives controlling US, yes, you and me.

  6. "to a smaller extent the brainless young men who will follow the whore" So it sounds to me like it's ultimately the fault of the white male who causes the white women to be viewed simply as sex objects in the first place (Playboy and other porn). So if the male is following the whore, it's his own fault. I, as a white, conservative woman who has not bought into the lies, would ask that you NOT blame white women, or any women for that matter, or not even the men, but a Godless nation.


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