
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Siege Line Solidifies

We are still winning folks. Yesterday's vote was not a referendum for Republicans but simply more of the political movements necessary prior to an all out conflict.

I know many out there renounce the voting process we have, they throw out terms like not wanting to hold their nose and vote, or that both parties are the same. Some insist on voting for third party candidates as some sort of protest. They actually have some valid points especially in the Federal races but despite the fact that the Local races rarely get the media appeal they are still more important than many realize.

Here in Central Missouri the Siege Lines have Solidified and the people outside the various government free milk zones have overwhelmingly rejected anything with the initial D after it's name.

Will any of it make a difference or will it be as the election rejectors claim?

I doubt it changes anything at the Federal level. The Federal government will continue to whittle away at our rights, over spend, prefer minorities over Whites and continue to attack rural Americans. Perhaps it might be a little more difficult for them now but they are content with small victories and long term plans.

However at the local level the changes are palatable. Rural communities are coming together under one ideology. Perhaps due to our political process that ideology doesn't transfer to the elites who have the money to run for even small local offices but it unifies the local communities together none-the-less. It provides strength in numbers and promotes actions that benefit those communities because the once scattered loners now know they are not alone.

The political process we are seeing is necessary. Many patriots lament the fact that no one wants to put their money where their mouth is and act but they don't understand we have not moved to that particular phase yet. Perhaps it takes only three percent to fight but it takes a group far larger than three percent to politically move to that phase. It requires a sizable political will on a local and regional level to start.

And that is what we are seeing folks. Sizable political will on the local level not promoting one ideology over another but rejecting one that wishes us harm. And that my friends is what get's the ball rolling. A common foe. A sense of unity on some level.

This is where it begins.

Don't look at this as a Republican win. Look at it as the lines solidifying. Look at it as an acknowledgement of common ground with common foes.

The way things are going we may never make it to an actual confrontation anyway. The entire system is liable to collapse before the entire political process is complete anyway. Yet even if the house of cards comes crashing down rural communities will still benefit from this political process. It's necessary regardless of which outcome we end up with.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. That's actually a good explanation, my friend. Good exposition, and a solid conclusion.


    1. Thank You RP!!!

      It seems to me it isn't the motivation of promoting a movement that really unifies people but the unification of resistance that really gets things going. There is always too much varied opinion when you are promoting which breaks down to individual egos and factions. In resistance however the common foe creates a unity all it's own.

      Or so it seems to me.

  2. Sometimes he ain't all bad Rev. good one PP we are on the same page I see.
    Unexpectedly and surprisingly:)

    1. Bah I thought we agreed on most stuff as long as we stayed away from sports (Which I do) and Nascar :)

  3. I woke up this morning to find that my neighbors in FL did NOT vote for legalizing marijuana. I was personally against it, as I think it just opens the door for additional social issues. I am wondering what my other neighbors are thinking; those that signed up and paid lots of money to attend the "how to open a weed shop" seminars that were held all over this state. Local govt's spent that money before they had it. Adjusting the lines of areas where it would or would not be allowed, etc.

    Now, I'd have to say I'm utterly speechless as to why these same neighbors voted for Alan Grayson again. Utter nut job. Not sure how we can get to common ground when I live next door to kool aid drinkers.

    1. Izzy - Well I cannot really speak to rural Florida but I will say that a Red/Blue map of the US does have a lot of Blue down there.

      Perhaps you are in or near one of them?

      I can only say that if we were a true Republic and not being turned into a mob rule Democracy I doubt you would have any problems with the neighbors. Most of em prolly shouldn't be able to vote anyway.

    2. Being a native Floridian...I can say with confidence it was not a matter of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes...for me it was about Morgan and Morgans role in it. the large trial attornys that Crist was employed by. I think they found a way to get him elected, and they all jumped on the bandwagon with none of them really giving a crap about those poor people they claimed to be helping. Either way, I am so thrilled that the voters in FL got it right for a change, and did not vote in ole Changin Charlie...What is next up for him? Probably Tea Party or Communist Party...

  4. I said something similar to this on another blog but I see this as somewhat of a stop on the road to ruin. To look at it as a great victory is like standing on the deck of the Titanic and yelling about how the iceberg has gone. Many of the Republican leaders are almost as big of enemies as the dems, they went along with the big spending iceberg that has ripped the guts out of our country. You are right in that is has shown us who our friends are and also we can see the areas of the country that won't survive what's coming.

    1. Sf - Exactly. The ability for us to make any lasting change by voting are long gone. It went away as they changed the vote from informed individuals with skin in the game into a easily distracted mob. Once that happens only a common foe will unite the people.

  5. Interesting concept Preppy. Even here in liberal Central Texas all the tax or bond related issues were voted down with the exception of moving money coming into the Rainy Day Fund from Oil/Gas to Roads. Even in my apparently overwhelmingly blue part of the world, people are starting to reject the concept of continuing to give the government all the money without even asking questions.

    1. TB - I noticed that the Liberal enclave of Columbia, Missouri also shot down every spending measure they had up. Sooner or later those people there will realize that electing the Democrats only insured they would find another way of funding stuff at the people's expense. Some areas seem to take longer to learn than others I guess.


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