
Sunday, February 16, 2014

An Interesting Tidbit to Think About

On my way out to harvest some firewood today. Snow is still on the ground and we never seem to get the much warmer temps they keep promising us so the ground should still be frozen enough to get out on.

I will post more later but found this interesting little tidbit of information over at Sipsey Street 

We are on track to double our weekday number of pageviews.....

Whats funny about that is I to have noticed a huge explosion of page traffic over about the last week. While I certainly never get the tens of thousands of views Sipsey Street generates I have always been happy with my 600 or so hits a day. I mean 600 hits when you piss people off, don't do a lot of news links and don't post scantily clad women pics (AND I AM NOT KNOCKING SCANTILY CLAD WOMEN PICS EITHER) always seemed respectable to me. Anyway these days I been getting something around 2K or more views a day and like he mentions in his post they are not being generated from any known and/or linked source.

Maybe a new type of government surveillance?

If so "Hi Guys"

Keep Prepping Everyone - more to come later.


  1. My 600 to 800 hits/day hasn't changed significantly in awhile; I guess I'm doing it wrong, or something.

    1. RP - Well I checked right before I put up my Sunday post and I am up to 1708 for the day. I can't explain it. A number are going to my Patriot Leader post and the Silence post which are linked to the left but no referring site or link mentioned. I wouldn't have thought anything about it if I hadn't seen the post at Sipsey this morning.

  2. I don't care where they come from I just wanna get my million and be gone:)

    1. StTV - I have never really cared myself. I always thought 600 views a day was respectable and I reset my counter back when I erased all my old posts over a year and a half ago. I don;t know what is up.

  3. Maybe whatever you are using to count your visitors is not working. Why, I myself experienced a drop from twenty million hits a day to only 17 million recently!

    Well, not really. But it could still be your counter.

    1. Harry - Maybe I am just going by what it says under the blog dashboard thing not even looking at the counter. Like I said I wouldn't have cared but when I saw SIpsey's post I was like hmmmm.

      Sitting 1708 so far today.

  4. I know that now I am basically housebound due to snow and cold (southern Saskatchewan) I hit your site twice a day now!

    1. Dennis - Heh. Usually if I count up the referring sites I get about half my views total. Not sure where all these extras are coming from.

  5. "Hi Guys"?
    I would expect something much more "colorful" from you.
    Or maybe that's just what I was thinking of saying.

    1. Carolyn - I was in a rush my dear. I am sure you have had a guy let you down when he was in a hurry once or twice before?

      I will make it up to you I promise :)

  6. I have to check your blog because it is the only place that I am politically correct, I think that is a good thing.

  7. I think we are all too broke to be out shopping, so we stay home and browse. I know I'm working hard on using all my leftover food and that really cuts down on grocery shopping and that gives more leisure time.

    1. Anon - All good points. Maybe the economy has slid that much?

  8. I keep looking for the scantily clad women photos on your site. But I'll make do with the bee info.

    1. MV - Bubba and Feral Irishman have the best. Babba's Friday night tight dresses is real good trust me.

  9. Heck, I'm thrilled to average about 100-200 hits a day. I figure everyone that gets a bit of education and preps is one less "zombie" I need to deal with in the future.

  10. I saw your site on the side bar of Rural Revolution and just had to take a look-see. Liked what I saw and now your on my regular reading list. Thanks!


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